Posts Tagged ‘business development’

Thinking Beyond Marketing

Monday, October 15th, 2012

corporateEnough has been raved about social media in the highest chambers of corporations in the past few years. While some of them are still in their nascent stage and undergoing an induction in terms of understanding of how this platform has to be utilised, others have steered ahead to employ meticulous strategies to augment their organisational objective.

The use of social media by the corporate world has proliferated to great extent in terms of marketing efforts. Having said that, it will indeed be really myopic to limit the scope of social media to just that. With the ultimate objective of growing business and sustaining growth at the back of any organisation’s mind, let’s look at some of the ways in which firms could make the most of social media:

Think beyond core marketing:

Social media is seen by most corporations as a marketing initiative and less of a brand execution strategy. While its role in marketing is critical and undeniable, corporations need to focus more on the delivery of service. Customer service, in this regard, is increasingly gaining more prominence as today’s fans (customers) on the brand page of a platform are expecting prompt assistance. This can only be realised when those in the head of the organisations consider employing social media more as an extension of brand identity rather than a mere marketing platform.

Put your eggs in select baskets:

Although keeping tabs on the customer pulse is important, having a presence on multiple social networking platforms to lap up all-one-can-get is not quite the smartest of moves. Rather, investing more time, money and energy in select channels could prove to be more worthy and effective.

What this means for the company is that it enables them to use their resources in a more focused manner besides letting them exercise more control over the messaging and addressing customer concerns in the process of building on engagement. For instance, most companies would have a Facebook brand page as a primary social network, followed by twitter for real time connection. YouTube provides for a video back-up. Add to this a corporate web log and get the ball rolling. This works just fine for some of the established corporations. For start-ups and small-medium scale enterprises it might not always be a feasible model to pursue. It becomes more so important for such firms to have a limited presence as it offers scope to amplify the roots and processes within a select set of channels.

Specific and not generic:

In order to grow business it is important to identify the areas within the existing social network of platforms that have something collective yet new to offer. Relying on users to share and spread the word about a firm’s product is a norm for most established firms. Due to their popularity in the industry and a known history of customer relationship, it is possible to reach out to a wider base. But, how about the not so established corporations? For them it is advisable to redirect their messaging to parts of conversations that hold that are more specific. Say, have a website or a link to direct customers/fans/networked users to a specific post, update, tab, tweet etc. would yield a much higher impact. This when substantiated with offers and incentives will lead to a higher response rate.

Partnerships beyond the community:

While we all understand that engagement is crucial to most organisation’s well-being and an essential part of the marketing process, it only does constitute an organic growth. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that for many small or small-medium scale enterprises, even in social media, a lot of focus is on inorganic growth and why shouldn’t it be?

Corporations of diverse sizes have to set aside their resources and allot them to new business development rather than only focusing on community management on certain specific social networking sites. It is wise to encourage and build upon partnerships with other entities. With an array of tools and social media platforms available today, to forge a relationship with people and organisations of credible reputation is not that hard either. For starters, small firms could tie up and contribute to bigger firms and gain visibility among the larger audience/customer base. For instance, Linkedin, one of the foremost social networking platform for professionals can give access to other organisations and grants scope to associate and keep an eye on what others, both competition an market leaders are doing in the social space. With time, this will only add to an increased visibility and chances of acquiring a possibly larger customer base.

Mix mechanism for hiring:

That a whole lot of companies are using social media for hiring and recruitment to a certain extent is perhaps not an alien fact. But, due to the delicate nature of the processes involved (screening) it becomes highly volatile for the human resources to tread this path carefully.

Firms, who use social media to hire, need to have a mixed mechanism in place. The initial process of scanning public profiles of prospective candidates needs to be followed up with manual reference checks. Relying solely on social in this area could save a firm from facing legal charges based on discrimination. With sites such as Linkedin and Twitter, the ideal way to create a prospective talent pool is to first get them to follow the company. Once, they show interest it’s easy to target them with messaging that are job centric. In fact this is an ideal opportunity to showcase an organisation as an employer of choice by sharing specific internal news and events.

In your knowledge, how do you think corporations are using social media in their various aspects? Are you aware of any new facet that could have gone unnoticed? Let us know. It is only through mutual sharing that we collectively grow.

Six keep-in-minds while devising a social media strategy

Monday, April 5th, 2010

Having been in business development for a specialist social media agency for a fair amount of time, there are certain caveats we keep reminding clients of. This is probably because social media is unlike any other marketing medium including the sir-please-try-our-website-since-the-model-is-very-different, which is at the end of the day, just a different form of display advertising.

So six caveats I’d like to give clients, agencies and social media enthusiasts or planners are…

1. What’s so great about you anyway?

While a statement like that is suicide as far as an agency is concerned, reflect on what it means. What IS so great about your brand that would make people want to put off watching pirated IPL videos on YouTube, stop chatting on GTalk with an old friend, stop scouring social networking sites for random profiles to make ‘franship’ with… And come talk about your brand? Now that I’ve put this question in perspective, it doesn’t seem as offensive, does it?

Let me put it this way: Look around you and search for a brand you have no professional affiliation to. Why would you become a fan voluntarily of that brand? Your answer to this will help you answer what your own brand should be doing on social media.

2. Great, you’ve got your fans. Now what?

In the craze to have a ‘presence’ on Facebook, companies often resort to buying fans, using FB ads. That in itself is not an evil thing, but what a brand needs to be clear on is what to do with these fans. We’ve seen many fan pages which the marketing team of companies opened frenetically, paid a sufficient amount to get 500 fans, post a few current-campaign-related updates, and then, once the campaign and budgets are over, lies inactive. What happens of the fans? Think of it this way: fans have, on their own volition, chosen to become fans of a brand. Which is as good as a footfall. And just like a footfall, you can never ignore a fan of a fan page.

3. Not everything’s for everyone

Telling a brand manager that a blog is not right for his brand is like finally telling your girlfriend that you’re not the right person for her. OK, almost. But you know what I mean. The ease with which social media platforms can be activated leads many to believe that their brand should be everywhere. Wrong. A presence on Twitter, a blog or even a FB fan page is a long-term effort. If your brand is in it for the ‘wham bam, thank you ma’am’ equivalent on social media, a quick application and some FB ads is what you should be looking at.

4. Time lagega, boss!

It is unrealistic to expect something like 1000 followers, fans or subscribers to get to your page in one or two months. Social media growth should be organic and growth will be exponential in nature. Which means, the first few months may have very few people coming in. But after that it’s like compounding. Think of it this way. A personal blog starts off with five loyal readers coerced to reading it (the industry equivalent being co-workers and your agency!) before merit alone decides whether more people start coming in on their own. It’s pretty much the same thing for your fan page, corporate blog or Twitter page.

5. Can you pass the cricket score test?

I’ve mentioned this before. But it needs to emphasised again. People are online to surf porn, plant virtual strawberries, chat with friends, check the latest gossip, read their friends’ blogs and most importantly in India, check cricket scores. The Cricket Score Test is what I call the process of someone actually deviating from this schedule, distracted by something else. Why do I say this? Because this is the same guy you’re trying to convince to play your application. Or read your corporate blog on your latest AGM. Or follow your Twitter handle of 3 updates. You get my drift, I hope. Remember, buying out fans is the only shortcut you can take. Then what?

6. Never attempt policing

It’s a free, democratic medium. It’s open. People can say anything they want, there is no point trying to suppress them, you’re only going to get lots of backlash. Anyone who followed the Nestle episode will know what I’m talking about. For a quick guide on what NOT to do on a Facebook page, click here.
And so there you have it. A few keep-in-minds for social media. All points are fairly debatable (That was the intention, honestly) and I look forward to your feedback on the comments.

Oh, and I blog here.