Windchimes wishes its readers a very exciting and adventurous 2009
There is absolute dearth of statistics on social media with respect to India or Indians. It is important to understand the prevalence of social media in our lives. There are studies indicating that close to 40 mn Indians are online. But really nothing beyond that!!
So what are these people doing online? How important is social media to them? How do they consumer social media? How is social media impacting the purchase behavior? How can marketers leverage social media platforms to reach out to their potential consumers. We carried out research to find out answers to these questions to help us understand and give an insight from an Indian context.
The research data that we are presenting is representative of 3 Indian cities; Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore. While we have received responses from people from other cities but they weren’t statistically significant. The responses have been collated as whole and not individually of 3 cities.
Details of the respondents:
Total respondents – 105
Mumbai – 40
Delhi – 40
Bangalore – 25
Males – 60
Females – 45
Age groups
18-24 yrs group – 40
25-35 yrs group – 65
Objective of the research:
1.To understand the significance and role of Social Media in current scenario
2.To map out the current usage pattern of social media of Indians
3.To study the impact it has in our purchase behavior
Part 1: Significance of social media in current scenario:
Q1) If you had 30 minutes of time, which activity would you be most likely to do?

© Windchimes Communications Pvt Ltd
Surfing Internet scored as the 2nd most medium to be used in spare time overtaking reading newspapers or listening to music. Even when the users have only 30 minutes, they would rather go online than put on their MP3 players or read a newspaper, clearly indicating that Internet / Social media is highly involvement and captures the imagination.
Q2) Which medium do you use when you want to get ””””news””””?

© Windchimes Communications Pvt Ltd
Q3) Which medium do you use when you want information on new products or services?

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Q4) Which medium would you use to find out about latest trends?

© Windchimes Communications Pvt Ltd
The replies to Q2, Q3 and Q4 clearly indicate the significance online medium has in our lives. Websites, Blogs, Social Networking Sites, Wikis etc clearly are becoming the places to look first – whether it is about new products or about new trends.
Companies and brands will need to have significant online presence to ensure that users find them when they are searching or researching online. Mere website presence won””””t be enough – but it will require presence in communities, discussion forums, blogs, networking sites etc.
The presence will have to be genuine, value adding and continuous. There is no end date to it. Also it has to be value adding for user to referring and recommend it to his friends. Companies will have to indulge in the social media marketing
Click here to go the second part of the study.