Posts Tagged ‘Essentials’

Statistics on Indian Social Media Landscape – Part 2

Friday, January 2nd, 2009

This is the second section of the research that we have carried out on social media with respect to India. Do read the first section.

Part 2 – To map out the current usage pattern of social media of Indians

Q5) How much time do you spend everyday on blogs, social networking and uploading photos and videos?

© Windchimes Communications Pvt Ltd

© Windchimes Communications Pvt Ltd

It is really surprising to note that more than 1/3rd of the respondents spend more than 30 minutes everyday on social media sites.

Q6) What do you do when you are online?

© Windchimes Communications Pvt Ltd

© Windchimes Communications Pvt Ltd

Distinctly, people have started engaging in active forms of engagement. From reading and commenting on blogs, to creating profiles, to uploading photos and videos – all signs of people moving away from passive to active forms of engagement. There is a need to involve them if brands want to retain their attention.

Q7) What do you write about in the communities and groups?

© Windchimes Communications Pvt Ltd
© Windchimes Communications Pvt Ltd

When it came to participating in conversation and discussions online, majority preferred associating with a cause or cause led approach by a brand. Next in line were the celebrities or movies that people preferred commenting and talking about.

Part 3 – To study the impact it has in our purchase behaviour

Q8 Do the comments left on blogs and in communities influence your purchase decision?

© Windchimes Communications Pvt Ltd

© Windchimes Communications Pvt Ltd

Q9) For which categories will you online reviews before doing actual purchase?

© Windchimes Communications Pvt Ltd

© Windchimes Communications Pvt Ltd

The replies for Q8 and Q9 clearly highlight that people are more prone to reading reviews online before carrying out actual purchase. They would carry out the first leve of research – fact finding and opinion seeking – on social media platforms to narrow down their choice.

The categories most influences by this behaviour are:

1. Travel

2. Consumer Durables (I am including Cell Phones in this category too)

3. Automobiles – Both cars and bikes

To Summarize the survey:

1. Surfing Internet scored as the 2nd most medium to be used in spare time overtaking reading newspapers or listening to music.

2. Internet and social media sites are the first places to seek news, products and services related information and to find out about latest trends. In that sense, instead of being afraid of social media, marketers must embrace it.

3. Social media is becoming a part of daily lives. Even if it means just updating profile on social networking site or reading blogs. It is more involving and will eat into the time that was earlier being spent on other entertainment mediums. There are already youtube meet ups being organized where in group of people play their favourite online videos.

4.  There is a distinct preference over getting associated with a cause when online. Possibly another reason why online activism is becoming so apparent in modern times. Besides that its entertainment and brands that take the next two slots. The important thing to notice is that if brands or companies adopt the role of thought leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach, then they are much more likely to succeed.

5. The most critical aspect of the survey is the impact of social media in our purchase behaviour. It is clearly evident that comments left on the blogs, review sites and discussion forums impact the manner of purchase. Lot of brands are make it in the consideration set of the consumers while others are dropped out on the basis of those reviews. It is important for brands to reach out to those users – be present where they are. They will have to build a dialogue with them in those forums and get them to review their product or service.

6. Another fallout for the companies is to track what people are talking about them. They will have to maintain their reputation online. It will be important to listen to what people have to say and act accordingly. That will start by first tracking the social media platforms and then analyzing the information to take strategic decisions.

The objective of this research was to give a peek inside the Indian users understanding and usage of social media. The role it plays in his life and how it will impact companies who want to reach out to them

You can download this research paper by clicking on to Scribd link given below

[scribd id=9690008 key=key-w7frnk7p3pzjlfjbxxv]

Essentials of a website – Part 3

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008

This third blog post on the essentials of a website continues to share with you our learnings of developing our website. Do read the first and second post

1.    Website Designers

We are assuming here that while you will provide the content, you will ultimately hire a designer to put all that up for you. Do a profile check before getting any designer on board. Luckily in this case the work of the designer would be up already as part of somebody else’s website. Understand who will be working on your site. You could also share the sitemap with them and tell them that you are looking at them to pitch for your website. This works best if you are corporate client.

Before signing, understand and record the terms and conditions. Ensure that you have written down all that is part of the package as you will surprised how your costs have escalated from where you had started. It would be a good idea to surf several your work related sites. That will give you idea on what different features are available as part of HTML language. You could also give out reference screen shots for specific features that you have liked.

2.    Incorporating a Blog

It is common for corporate to have blogs for themselves. Blogs help in sharing recent news and quicker updates. There are two options available in linking the blog with the site. The company can create a blog and provide a link to it – which means that the user will go away from the site once he or she clicks on that link

The other option is to host the blog as part of your website. So technically when the user clicks on the blog link from the website, he or she can still access the links of the website. We have gone ahead with the second option as we would like the user to spend maximum time on our site.

3.    Cost of the website

The costs of the site depend on the number of pages you create. Typically, there is a standard rate for a limited number of pages and then on per page basis after that. Your sitemap will help you in figuring out the number of pages you will have. Remember to account for pages like sitemap, copyrights, disclaimer etc among your other business pages.

If you would like to use online images, you would have to pay for it. Normally companies like Getty Images have sections of free images provided you give them credit for it. Otherwise you would have to buy from them or get them shot yourself. This is where a good designer can come handy. Most of them have good collection of stock images that they could use for you thereby helping you reduce costs.

4.    Testing your site

After your site is ready, do a test run on it to ensure it works beautifully across platforms. First such test you must conduct is on the various browsers. The most used ones are Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Google Chrome among others. There are times when certain special characters don’t appear in the same manner on certain browsers. While IE stills retains highest market share in Indian market, the other browsers are catching up

Check your site also for different resolutions and different screen sizes. That will show the amount of scrolling the guy with smallest size screen will have to do. It is also important to test your site on different platforms like Windows, Macintoch, Linux etc. You can do all the tests at this site CrossBrowserTesting or leave it for your designer to do it.

Share your website with few close friends and take their point of view. We gained immensely by doing this. This is classic case of power of many. Just when you think you have got it all under control, someone gives in a valuable input that missed your mind.

With this, we end the third part of the series. Do continue reading our last and concluding part of the essentials of a website