Pinterest increases Idea Pin video time to 5 mins from 60 secs

Have you ever thought of making longer-duration videos on Pinterest?  In an attempt to maximize user engagement, the social media platform is now extended the video time limit to 5 minutes for Idea Pins. Earlier the time limit was up to 60 seconds. 

With this Pinterest too joins the short-video club with Youtube, Instagram, and TikTok. 

Pinterest says, with this, users can get more capacity to tell their stories within Idea Pins. Idea Pins were launched by Pinterest in 2021. These are the best ways for how-to guides and explainers to reach out to their audience. There are over a billion views each day on Idea Pins, and the launch of this feature will prove of great help to the platform and its users. 

However, whether these 5-minute videos bore the audience or will increase the engagement rate can be judged with time. Nevertheless, this new feature will let users tell their stories in an elaborate manner and expand upon key elements. The longer video option is being rolled out to all its users.

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