Bloggerati of the Fortnight: Sanjeev Sabhlok

sanjeevCurrent Position and Organisation:
Honorary Member at Freedom Team of India;  Executive Director (Honorary) at India Policy Institute; Senior Manager, Better Regulation Unit at Department of Treasury and Finance, Government of Victoria (Australia)
Areas of Expertise:
Economic Policy, Project Management
Educational Background:
Graduate Diploma from Melbourne Business School; PhD in Economics from University of South Carolina (USC); Double Masters in Economics from USC & Panjab University; Bachelor of Science with honours in Mathematics from Guru Nanak Dev University
Blog Name: Sabhlokcity

Sanjeev’s blog is a repository of opinions pertaining to governance at most levels. His experience at various government offices, handling crucial policies and matters related to family, education, planning and development, art and culture, housing et al has earned him a place in two of the most libertarian policy organizations that he is currently engaged with.

Despite being settled in Melbourne, Australia, Sanjeev has kept the flame of revolution alive and is constantly working in close quarters to bring about a change in the Indian way of governance. His blog often reflects his strong and almost judgmental stands against various socio-political happenings. A look at few of his posts gives clear cut signs of an upheaval in an attempt to question several controversial findings and practices. The blog entries often shout out loud with an extensive use of highlights in yellow, key points marked in red and sections that demand special attention. His tonality in most posts is definitive (primarily based on strong logic), often borderline sarcastic and doubtful followed soon after by a close-ended solution to a stalemate situation.

Not just that, there are also dedicated tabs covering and addressing issues across varied topics such as climate, racism, god to ‘What would I do as Prime Minister’ and ‘Leaders, Fools and Knaves’ etc.

In a manner of speaking, his ability to blog about issues that speaks of a common man’s woes and being a voice of a nation that needs remedial actions at every step, entitles Sanjeev to be our Bloggerati of the Fortnight.

Click here to read more from our Blogger of the Fortnight series.


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