Posts Tagged ‘Social Media’

Applying Social Media for Recruitment

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

A Human Resource personal’s most important task is to hire best available talent for a position that will lead to substantial growth of an organization. Indirectly, the HR role becomes as significant as any other department. Earlier, industry contacts and expertise were the best methods to locate a perfect match. But today, things are a little different.

Changing Playgrounds

While contacts are still very important source for finding a key member for a team, recruiters are also looking to social media and finding success in spotting the right person to hire, regardless of the type of organization or industry they work in.





Whoever you may be, a job seeker, a professional recruiter or an organization looking to hire, and wondering if social media can help you hire, the answer is Yes! International entertainment giant TiVo reported an 11 percent increase in referrals thanks to social media tools like LinkedIn. The company has also made job opportunities “portable” so that anyone can post, direct message or update their status across major social media platforms.

Improving the Game

What is more, specific job searching tools on social media platforms have also been introduced. This is just an indication of how serious this phenomenon is. TweetaJob is a tool that uses targeting technology to tweet jobs which match the location and career interests of job seekers. This comes out of the fact that just as candidates don’t want to be contacted with irrelevant positions, organizations don’t want their openings to be overwhelmed by other offerings.



TweetaJob Tool for Twitter


Where to Play

While such tools are being developed across social media platforms, many recruiters struggle with the options of various social media platforms itself. Which platform to use is something everyone wants to know? While it is obvious that LinkedIn is the global playground of professional and an obvious choice for recruiters and job seekers, one cannot rule out the usage of other platforms. With social media, everyone has a particular platform that they are most similar with and vocal on. Someone on Twitter may well be as much the right choice even of s/he is not on LinkedIn.





Going Global

Another advantage of using social media tools is their global potential. One post can reach across the globe in matter of seconds thus giving a healthy exposure to your requirement as well as your organization. This works at two levels. First, an economical way of hiring from across the globe with proper background knowledge about the candidate. Second, the talent is rechargeable and in infinite quantity if you know where to look.

Hidden Benefits

While there are benefits of recruitment through social media which are evident, there is another benefit that comes as a part of the process. Through the usage of Social Media for recruitment, organization tends to build a better relation with people. Since it’s an interactive medium, the recruiter and the candidate engage in one on one conversation thus making it more conducive to a positive result.

Get into the Gear

It may be pointed that while the hiring manager looks for the right candidate, having the right profile too is very important. A complete profile with a display picture and all the professional details on LinkedIn acts like a digital resume open for anyone looking to hire. Similarly, a good twitter interaction can help in showing your charming personality to potential recruiters.



Complete Profile on LinkedIn



While it can be said that in no ways, Social Media Recruitment can be the only method of recruitment in an organization, but it can surely be one of the most viable method to contact people who can fit in to the company. In a survey conducted by us, we found that 48% of the respondents have been contacted for jobs via different social media platforms. Of these, almost all had an offer made to them via LinkedIn and few of them even had offers through Twitter and Facebook.


FB Poll


Facebook Poll (above) LinkedIn Poll (Below)


LinkedIN poll


Thus, it is safe to say that although Social Media recruitment is yet not mainstream process, it is surely gaining popularity. And no one platform can cover all the possibilities that you can avail of.

Business Blogging

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011

Not long ago, blogging was considered as an online diary or journal where the writer documented his/her day to day activity. It was a space for people with creative bend to showcase their talent. It was personal and it was only shared with a select few. Circa 2011 and blogs have evolved into a vital communication tool that every brand is looking to incorporate in their marketing plan.


Keeping this in mind, it is important that this social media tool be well understood and its potential be highlighted. Here we look at key ways of making a corporate blogs work for your brand. To start with, a corporate blog need not be serious and perched on an ivory tower. Like any other social media tool, blogs too can help you build a friendly relationship with your consumer. Splash some creativity and humor in the content, especially, if your brand personality is such. Be vibrant, colorful and vivacious. It can go a long way in making your blog reach out to your target audience.

Colorful Heading

A colorful blog title can personify your brand image

Being a blog should not restrict you to just putting up articles. Break the monotony by posting, video blogs and/or photo blog posts. Not only will this make your blog more interesting, it will also present you with the opportunity to showcase your product features without suggesting that you are advertising your product. Also, it can help you in letting the world know about your organization, its culture and ethos of the place. It also helps in building a strong employee-employer relation.


Add photos to your blog

Another way of building employee-employer relationship is by allowing employees to post on your corporate blog. Empower them to promote the company’s products through informative tutorials, advice, and reviews that not only sell the products, but also offer some valuable tips. Not only will this help in content generation, it will also help in giving face and name to the organization.

Blogs need not always be about the products. It could well become a research platform for your company. Inviting the readers to suggest the kind of product they would want to use can help in getting valuable consumer insight at a very low cost. Adding comments and a rating system can make the blog highly interactive. The aim is to experiment with ideas, something that you can’t do with your website.


Make your blog user friendly and sharable

An important point to bear in mind is to be unique in your style. Stand out and be seen. Change your blog theme to reflect colorful seasonal themes. Add animation to bring alive your blog. The more effort you put in, the more appreciation you shall get. It is not about being different for the sake of being different, but because you truly are.


If changing your style is something you cannot suggest as a brand, then choose a very simplistic, neat and corporate look. Have a professional and simple blog design. A clutter free approach helps in easy navigation and a more pleasing experience for the reader. A decent mix of pictures and words will be enough for you to get your point across. Be simple in your language as well. Always remember, the idea is to let people know what you are talking about, not to send them on a wild hunt through online dictionary sites.


Neat and clean look for a corporate blog

Another sure shot way of getting people to your blog and keep them hooked is by inviting guest bloggers. Everyone is keen to know what a celebrity has to say or what a famous person thinks. Having such a person write an article on your post will help you achieve huge readership. Also, sharing of these posts will make your blog achieve virility like never before.

If you don’t have access to celebrities, then turn the table and give access to your readers about inside news and pre launch stories. Share all behind the scene action, through videos, photos, descriptive blog posts, and interview with people who have been part of the development process of the product.



Share exclusive details on your blog

These are just a few ideas on how a corporate blog can help you and your brand connect with your audience and potential customers. Like any other communication tool, there is no set pattern but being clear of the idea and your personality would be a perfect way of defining your blog personality.

Read more about blogging, here.

Bloggerati of the Fortnight: Sajin Seethi

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011

Keeping up to date with mobile technology would be impossible if not for few enthusiastic bloggers who take the pains of finding out about new technologies, new devices and applications, understanding them and writing about the same. It makes life of us simple folks, well simple. One such technology buff is Sajin Seethi.

Sajin, has been writing for almost two years. He loves understanding mobile technology and how things work. He carefully traces every brand’s activities and reports them instantly. He is a big fan of Apple and Android products, although he is not biased in his opinion.

The blog, my mobile scoop, has been developed to give readers a scoop of what is happening in the tech world. It mainly focuses on the mobile news, as according to Sajin, they are the most happening devices in the world. He also does video news, app reviews and more on YouTube. Add to that, the video demos of new phones are something which impressed a lot. The detail with which these videos are produced is simply amazing.

Video Demo

Click on the image to see the video

What is most impressive about his blog is the manner in which he breaks down the information. Knowing very well, that bombarding the user with too much information of very technical nature would leave them dazed and confused, he carefully lists down the main features and the benefits that the user gets from the device. It not only helps in understanding the device better but also makes the reader feel comfortable.

Sajin also does reviews for social media applications for mobile phones, like the Foursquare application for Nokia and the Facebook application launched by Samsung. This not only helps inform the reader about the services but also about the various features of different Social Media Platforms.


Facebook Application Review

Technology is something which not many people understand but in today’s world, technology is mostly sold to such people. Hence, it is very important that someone somewhere takes the effort to make this information available in simple manner. And for doing that, Sanij Seethi is our Bloggerati of the Fortnight.

Click here to read more from our Blogger of the Fortnight series.

Marketing through 140 Characters.

Friday, April 1st, 2011

Our last post, The Business of Tweeting, was an attempt at understanding what goes in creating a Twitter handle that is optimized for business communication. In this two-part post we will discuss what business requirements can be addressed through the use of Twitter account.


Twitter Network

The rise and rise of Twitter

Since its launch in 2006, the micro-blogging website has grown to become one of the most important online marketing and communications tools – which many people would say is second only to Facebook. It now hosts more than 1 billion tweets a week and is estimated to be worth around $10bn.



The growth has not been in just personal usage. From November 2008, when Barack Obama thanked supporters via Twitter after winning the US presidential election, to March 2011, when news of Tsunami striking Japan was being relayed via the micro blogging network, the growth has simply been phenomenal and diverse.

The untapped business tool

It’s true that Twitter is what a user makes of it. Some people publicize their daily activities, some make it about link love, some share quotes all day long. Smart people using Twitter for business mix it up. It must be noted, that while any business tool always aims at instigating a consumer to buy a product, social media tools such as Twitter are meant to build relationships with consumer. Hence harnessing the power of 140 characters becomes essential for Twitter Marketing.

Approaching Twitter Marketing

Twitter is a tool that can be utilized for sharing information about a brand, a person and at some level the offers that may be available through these brands. The three broad and distinctive areas where twitter marketing can be used are

  1. Sharing information
  2. Gather market intelligence and insights; and
  3. Build relationships with people who care about the brand

As one would agree, a free tool which reaches out to 150 million users worldwide and roughly 5 million twitter users in India, that’s a lot of consumers waiting to be engaged without much expenditure.

Click here to read the details of conducting Twitter Marketing.

Marketing through 140 Characters–Part II

Friday, April 1st, 2011

Continuing on Marketing through 140 Characters, in this post, we will discuss about the three broad and distinctive areas where twitter marketing can be used. These are:

1. Sharing information

2. Gather market intelligence and insights; and

3. Build relationships with people who care about the brand


Sharing Information

Twitters simplistic approach to sharing thoughts and news with other people on the Internet has caught on to the point where every respectable company has an official account and government agencies are using it to connect with constituents.

Tremendous growth has taken place in the creative ways businesses and organizations are leveraging Twitter in order to share company information. Brand patrons want information, and they want it now. Twitter is about the “now” and has earned its name as a leader in breaking news and bringing users closer to the newsmakers, which is what every brand attempts to be on Twitter.

If your brand has important information to share, Twitter should be the first place for you to share it on. This not only helps spread the news but also builds the brands image. And you can delight your consumers by sharing information about projects still being planned.


This is a typical buzz marketing technique that can make waves when the project is finally launched. But most importantly, sharing information is the best way of building Customer Relationship. An aggrieved consumer can easily be pacified if s/he can talk to the brand directly and have her/his problem addressed, thus, preventing a major PR disaster.

Market Research

Twitter has some useful features which make it especially helpful for conducting market research on almost any topic under the sun. This is because Twitter pages are viewable to anyone, even those without accounts, and the site has a search function which pulls in all recent posts dealing with a given topic or phrase. There have been instances, where events have been rescheduled, have undergone format changes and even cancelled based on feedbacks received via twitter. And to good effect as well. Similarly, researching for new products and response to new product launches has led to significant changes to improve the product or provide better services.

Here is a simple flow chart on how to do a market research on Twitter:

1 Log into your account.

2 Look over the "trending topics". Trending topics are those which have recently seen a big increase in posts. This can be a useful list to get an idea of what is currently getting a lot of buzz.

3 Use the "search" field to enter words or phrases to discover who is talking about them, and what they are saying. For instance, you might want to find out what people think of a newly released film. Just search for the name of the film and there will likely be several new posts of reactions of people that just got back from the movie.

4 Take note of how far apart the Twitter posts are for any topic. A good indicator of the relative popularity of a certain word, phrase, or topic is how often people post about them. If the first page of search results comes up with posts made over the past day or two, chances are the topic is not that popular. If the first page is filled up with posts from the past minute, it is a red hot topic.

You don’t even have to join Twitter to use the search function. If you just want to view trending topics and conduct searches, you can use the twitter search page. (

Building Relationship

Relationship Marketing is a very important aspect of brand marketing and twitter can help a brand to successfully engage in it. According to Evert Gummesson, Relationship marketing is marketing based on interaction within networks of relationships.

According to individual researches, Twitter seems to be the ideal medium to build trust, win new customers as well as retain existing ones, thus helping in Relationship Marketing. It also showed that people who have been interacted with on Twitter are more likely to be a first time purchaser, a loyal consumer and a brand champion.

Twitter Stats 1


Most of the participants of the research agree on the fact that Twitter is an excellent tool to build trust which not only helps in building new relationships but also to strengthen existing ones.

Stats 2


The Conclusion

Word on Twitter spreads fast. Conversations happen in real time on Twitter, therefore giving it the sense of immediacy and intimacy. It is this one on one conversation and intimacy of Twitter which is of great value to any brand and a very convenient yet powerful marketing tool.

The Business of Tweeting

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

Twitter is a relationship building and relationship maintenance tool; the most obvious business use of Twitter is to meet potential customers and leads the same way you would at networking event or tradeshow.

However, you can also use it to:

1) Develop and promote your brand

2) Interact with your customer base

3) Track what people are saying about your company and brand

4) Create buzz around upcoming events

5) Help individual employees act as liaisons to the public

6) Promote other content you’ve created, including webinars, blog posts or podcasts

7) Develop direct relationships with bloggers and journalists for potential PR placement

With Google now showing social media updates in its results, a good Twitter Handle can only go a long way in helping your brand achieve a better search engine optimization.

Getting your Twitter handle correct.

With Twitter fast becoming a major search engine option and prime source of news, it is very important to use the medium correctly. One major aspect of being on the micro blogging site is to get the handle, or the twitter name, that is most beneficial for you and your business. Here are some basic Dos and Don’ts that you should keep in mind while creating your Twitter handle.

                                New Account

Creating a Twitter Handle


One name

Try to choose a name that is available on most of the social media platforms. With growing number of fans and followers, it will be hard for them to remember if your handle is abc on Twitter and ab_c on Facebook. Of course, that makes it even harder to find a handle that is available, but if you do, your followers will instantly recognize you across the web.

Real Name

Your full name or a variation of it will make it easier for people remember your handle. It also helps in promoting brand recall. Every time you tweet, you promote brand awareness for your brand and helps in making the handle more authentic.

Short is sweet

With only 140 characters to use, every letter is valuable. It’s not generally an issue but when people want to reply to you or retweet your posts, a short the handle is way better than an elaborate name. This will also earn you some brownie points with people who hate editing tweets before retweeting.

Avoid numbers and underscore

Underscores and numbers give the impression that your first choice was taken, or it gives the appearance that you aren’t putting enough thought into your username to think of something unique. This is not the impression your brand would want to give to the consumer. The uniqueness of your brand name and the brand equity associated with it should not be diluted with numbers.


Something completely random

This is not just confusing for the consumer but also a lost opportunity to increase brand recall. Do remember that while promoting your brand, the more you talk about it, the more it will register in the consumers’ mind. This rule is applicable any medium, be it ATL, BTL or Social Media.

A handle that has an underscore

Using an underscore is not incorrect or wrong, but it is generally not done. Use it at the risk of coming across as unaware of the “social norms,” or as a brand trying too hard to play the social media game.

A handle that is a slogan

While it may be a great way of promoting a campaign or a particular product, avoid using a handle that is a slogan for simple reason that slogans keep changing. The idea is to build bigger brand recall rather than momentary campaign involvement.

Once you are done creating your twitter handle, the world of 140 characters can open up like never before for you and your brand. Amazingly crafted tweets can make your brand a PR success like none before. Also, it can help you create a database of real time testimonials. So get going. Let your brand tweet its way to higher brand equity.

Also read about the Do’s and Don”ts on Facebook.

Deconstructing the New Facebook Page

Tuesday, March 1st, 2011

Facebook has changed (upgraded, as they call it) the layout of its Pages  once again and these changes will be rolled out all across Facebook by March end. With current set of changes, page owners now have more reach and better utility across the platform.

The Looks

The new Facebook page layout has changed to how the individual profile looks. This gives the page a sense of familiarity and helps in easier navigation.


The tabs seem to have got lost in the new design evolution process, moved to the sidebar with smaller fonts from their earlier top of the page location. This might cause a significant drop in their visibility.


Although the Tabs have been moved to the sidebar, the increased number of visible tabs along with longer tab names will help in communicating the exact nature and content of the same. This means that

  1. In the previous version, only four tabs could be visible, while the others feel in a drop down box. But with the new setup, all the tabs can now be seen one below the other, therefore no tab gets lost.
  2. Also, with name restriction of 15 characters no longer applied, tabs can now communicate exact message to the page viewer. Earlier, with this restrictions, a campaign tab had to have altered name to fit into the tab size and also to follow the guideline. But with no restriction on character limit, the tab name can now be as per the requirement.

        New Page Profile 1

The New Page layout


Photos and Post & Information Visibility

The recent photos get featured on the top of the page and the order of the visible photos can be edited. The most recent wall photos or photos that have the page tagged in them will appear here. This area will not include any photos posted by fans.

The other cosmetic changes that the page has been incorporated with are the ability to have the info section right on the top of the page, post selection criteria made to “Page” and “everyone” and a right hand sidebar that shows administrators and fans.


Like all Facebook platforms, photos will become more vital and important in brand communication. Already, creative usage of this tool is being talked about. Also with the default setting of the posts being set as “everyone”, a lot more exposure to their posts.

The Works

More than anything else, the functionality changes that has happened with the new format has some real business implication. Brands are now in a position exploit their presence on the platform and reach out to as many of its 600 million users. Also, collaborating becomes easier along with the much touted “giving face to the brand” promise.


One of the key features with the new Facebook Pages is that administrators of a page can switch back and forth between their personal profiles and essentially the profile of the Page. They can also leave comments on various Facebook platforms as the brand itself.


This gives the page that much more opportunity to engage with audience, not just on their page, but also anywhere on Facebook, thereby increasing the exposure the page, and hence the brand, gets drastically. It can also mean, that the brand can engage in meaningful discussion on other pages, and direct the traffic from that page to their own, there by leading to in-organic growth.

                   Page Commenting Feature

Page Commenting Feature


Page Collaboration

With page commenting feature, opportunity for the pages to interact amongst each other come calling. Since the page can now like another page as it is, there is more possibility for mutual page promotion. Instead of “featured pages” these now comes us “likes.” Also, since a page has liked the other page, the news feed will be populated with the updates of the liked page when logged in as page on Facebook.


This will help in crowd sourcing for relevant information. Page collaboration can help in establishing brand reputation by association. Also cross platform exposure for multi brand umbrella can also be contrived through page collaboration.


Page Collaboration


Being logged in as a page will help people to receive instant notification when people leave a comment on the page. With the new notification system in place, the page administrators will be alerted the second someone comments.


This will eliminate the need to regularly check the page for updates and help in giving a quick response, making Customer Relation Management process much more efficient.


Instant Notification

Face behind the Page

The promise to make the brand more human is finally seeing the light of day with the changes that have been incorporated. With the feature to show who the administrators for the page are, the faceless page has now transformed to a more human personality. Finally the friend next door promise will become a real deal.


The advantage of such a move will have to be weighed out over a period of time with a lot of brands treading a careful path since the administrators would want to safe guard their privacy, but as of now, the idea seems quite an inviting one, since a human personality associated with the page can make it appear much more approachable and also give the administrators the sense of recognition, there by promoting higher commitment towards the page.


Displaying the Page Administrator

The Overall Impact

The new Facebook changes have almost completely made every area of Facebook uniform. Also it has given the businesses a chance to be more vocal across the platform and hence in better control of the brand communication on Facebook.