Archive for the ‘Social Media’ Category

Check Out these Latest Updates on your favourite Social Media Handles

Friday, July 15th, 2022

Your week’s hectic schedule might have let you miss some of the interesting Social Media Updates. If yes, then here they are. Check out what Meta, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter have on their plates to offer you an even better social media sharing experience. 

Let us take a tour 

Meta’s Exclusive content Options for Paying Subscribers 

Visuals on Social Media are always a boon. If you are looking for a better community-building option, Meta is here to provide you with the same. The platform is launching its new Subscriber Chats, a feature through which the creators can conduct chat sessions with a group of people at a time building an intimate community of people with the same interests. At a time 30 people can be added to these group chats. Subscriber Chats are powered by Messenger.

Subscriber Chat can be activated via ‘Join Chat’ from your join chat sticker from your Instagram or Facebook Story. 

Instagram’s New ‘Creator Marketplace’ 

Instagram launched an initial test for its ‘Creator Marketplace ‘ specifically for Instagram early this week. Though this feature is similar to Facebook’s Brand Collabs Manager Platform, the Creator’s Marketplace will enable the advertisers to search for potential creators to partner with on campaigns.

This feature will enable brands to creators they want to connect with because when money matters, go social. To make this collaboration even more successful, through Meta Business Suite, brands can filter creators on the basis of gender, age, number, interest and location. Using this feature, brands can now manage their social media campaign process by partnering with the chosen creators of their choice. 

After brands find their collaborators, they can send creators messages which can be viewed in the Partnering Messaging Inbox, within the Instagram app. The application is in its initial test phase and is being tested on an invite basis only. However, it will soon be a part of your Instagram marketing toolkit. 

Twitter’s Prompts 

After announcing its trial on Notes, Twitter is on a spree to make some interesting launches to facilitate its users. First, the platform added new Spaces buttons within the tweet composer and retweet flow, the platform is now testing an overt prompt to get people to start a space with a new note at the bottom of a tweet reply composer. This feature is active in some Andriod users but is launching for all soon. 

Some cite this as Twitter’s move to involve more people to use Twitter Space as this feature did not perform as well, as expected by the platform. Nevertheless, the platform takes this opportunity to give you a better audio broadcast by giving Twitter Space a prominent space in its application interface. 

Twitter Prompts do not end here. 

If you are not adding alt-text captions to your images while uploading them on Twitter, you should start doing it right away. The platform is now going to prompt you for the same. Some users are shown this alert along with the benefits of adding alternative text summaries while uploading images to their tweets. 

Twitter has been working to motivate users to write alt-text descriptions for a while as it has broader efforts to improve accessibility in the application. 

Snapchat’s Experiment with NFT 

Being the latest to jump into the NFT trend, Snapchat is investigating a new process that would enable the users to convert the NFTs they own into AR  lenses which they can insert into their snaps. 

The users can display three-dimensional versions of their NFTs. It could either be a virtual face mask, a background item or an additional object in the frame  While Meta is concentrating on the VR, Snapchat’s NFT integration could mark as a bit hit. 

We at Windchimes Communications, promise services par excellence. We are a digital experiential agency committed to keeping you updated with the latest trends in digital trends. We believe in finding a simpler way of doing things. 

React using Your Favourite Emojis on WhatsApp Message Threads

Tuesday, July 12th, 2022

Do you want to react with your favourite emojis on WhatsApp message threads? In that case, WhatsApp has something for you in its kitty. 

The social media platform has expanded its offerings while reacting to the messaging threads. Users can now select any emoji of their choice as a Reaction option within their messaging threads using the full emoji keyboard of WhatsApp. 

Sounds great right! 

What will this feature do? 

With this feature, you do not need to send an emoji reaction as a separate message. You can react to the message thread directly. In May this year, the platform launched its Reactions on messaging threads feature in groups. Later on, with limited feature options, it also enabled this feature with limited emoji options in personal chats. 

Users instantly took a liking to it and within a few days, Reactions became a habitual response pattern for many. 

How to use it?

To get the full emoji keyboard you need to follow the below process:

  • Press a little longer on the message in the thread you want to react to 
  • Emojis will appear on the screen. 
  • A + sign will appear at the end of the row
  • Click on the + sign and get your full emoji keyboard. 
  • Click on the emoji you want to use and share your reaction in the message thread. 

Though this is a minor update, its instant acceptance makes this as important as any other feature launched by the social media platform. All whats app users can avail of this service from 11 July 2022. 

We at Windchimes Communications, promise services par excellence. We are a digital experiential agency committed to keeping you updated with the latest trends in digital trends. We believe in finding a simpler way of doing things. 

Write Long-Form Content on Twitter with ‘Notes’

Saturday, July 2nd, 2022

The feature is ongoing closed tests in certain countries, to be announced soon

Don’t just Tweet, also use a Note Card on Twitter.  Twitter is testing its new feature ‘Note’ where you will now be able to create stories in long-form content. The social media platform has currently taken this feature on closed testing mode with a few writers to facilitate users on Twitter with long-form content. 

Twitter Notes will appear on the screen as Note Cards and be visible on the Home timeline if you are following someone participating in the test groups or share a link on a Note. As this is a closed test presently, this feature will not be visible in many countries. 

What is a Note card?

The business of tweeting has become even more elaborative with Notes. A Note card is nothing but a Tweet that will contain a link to the Note. A Note is a post that can be shared on Twitter with long-form content. Once you click the link, you will be able to open and view the Note created by the writer. You can Retweet, and quote it just like any other Tweet. You can also comment and discuss it like on any regular tweet. 

The Note Title is limited to 100 characters and the body to 2500 words. 

How to use the Note feature on Twitter? 

Since this feature is under trial, only writers participating in the closed test will be able to write the Notes. Nevertheless, those who are following these writers will be able to read the Notes. 

At present, you can read the Notes if: 

  • You follow a writer who follows a Notecard 
  • Someone who they follow shares a Note URL
  • Someone they follow retweets or quotes their Note card. 

The Notes will also have a unique URL that users can navigate to even if they are outside Twitter and even if they do not have a Twitter account. 

Reading Notes: 

  • Notecards will appear on the timeline just like Tweets. They can be Retweeted and Quoted.  
  • You can visit the writer’s profile to read their published notes. 

Sharing Notes: 

Through Tweet

  • Navigate to Note Card 
  • Select share 
  • Share the Note either by copying the link or sending a private message. 

Through Note View 

  • Navigate to Note
  • Select option More 
  • Choose either – Share via Tweet or Copy Note to link

Other specifications of Notes: 

  • You can edit the Note even after publishing it. 
  • The URL of the Note remains the same even if you edit it after it has been published. Therefore, even if the Note has been retweeted, edits will not change the URL. It will only make changes within the Note. 
  • Notes shared as Tweets can be reported if you notice a violation of Twitter rules or Terms of Use. 
  • Navigate to the Tweet you want to report 
  • Select More icon 
  • Go to Report Tweet 
  • Select Start Report (You will be asked for additional information on the issue you are reporting)
  • After filling in the details, you can submit the report.

We at Windchimes Communications, promise services par excellence. We are a digital experiential agency committed to keeping you updated with the latest trends in digital trends. We believe in finding a simpler way of doing things. 

Have You Tried These New LinkedIn Features?

Friday, July 1st, 2022

For those who frequently use the LinkedIn Events feature, here is some good news for you! With an aim to provide more engagement options and on-topic discussions to its users, the social media platform LinkedIn is coming up with more comment engagement options within LinkedIn Events. 

What are the Engagement Options? 

While hosting an event or attending it, the audience can comment or react directly to a feed or on the Event page in the comment tab. What makes this feature more usable is the comments made on the events page will not generate notifications to the other event attendees. However, if you want to invite people to the conversation, just mention their names in your comment and tag them. 

You can use them in the advanced comments options in-stream. The feature is in the process of being announced soon. Users will be able to see this option in the advanced comment section in LinkedIn Events. 

Social media trends always keep changing. The social media platform does not stop here. LinkedIn has also launched a new feature to simply Repost option and share information with your connections.


LinkedIn Repost feature 

Like Twitter, where you can Retweet any tweet that has inspired you, even LinkedIn has brought up a feature of  ‘Repost’ which allows you to share information without adding a comment like you used to do earlier.

This feature gives you a chance to share a job profile with a friend who is in need with just a click. This simplifies things for you because it reduces your effort to re-share each post. 

How to avail this new LinkedIn feature?

  • At the bottom of every post, there is a ‘Share Prompt’. 
  • Click on the Share prompt and you will get the below options
  • Repost 
  • Share it with your thoughts 
  • Share outside LinkedIn  
  • Click on Repost and your job is done

Pros and Cons of Repost 

Each coin has two sides. So does this feature on LinkedIn. 


  • Saves Time 
  • Minimum efforts 
  • Maximum reach 
  • Hitting the right audience 


Chris Wetherell who invented the concept of ‘retweet’ mentioned that he later regretted this feature considering the past course of events. He mentioned this because he realised how this feature amplified criticism and negativity on this social media handle. 

Though LinkedIn is a different platform, the Repost option can play a major role in creating or affecting a professional image for an individual or a brand. A negative post could certainly have a considerable impact on one’s professional reputation and can be widely spread in no time. 

This is a risk but it is also a strong tool for faster connectivity and the spread of information. This feature is now available to use in your profile. 

We at Windchimes Communications, promise services par excellence. We are a digital experiential agency committed to keeping you updated with the latest trends in digital trends. We believe in finding a simpler way of doing things. 

How your Personal Branding on Social Media Affects your Recruitment Possibilities

Friday, September 11th, 2015

clip_image002If you are still under impression that only your resume and technical & communication skills are considered while recruitments, you need to revise your assumptions, especially if you are a job seeker and active on various social media platforms. Your social media activities have a major impact on your recruitment possibilities.

Gone are the days when potential recruiters would just study your resume, talk to your recommenders, test your technical skills, interview you and hire you right away. Today, as soon as you are shortlisted for a job position, your social media profiles are scrutinized to peek in your lifestyle. The practice is a convenient way to understand the candidate, his/her association with people and basic lifestyle choices.

clip_image003If a company has strict policies against internet and smartphone usage, it may want to avoid a social media addict who updates his whereabouts and activities every hour. Similarly, posts about hating Mondays and weekdays can put a negative impression about your professionalism and passion for work. The smart way to get through the social media scrutiny could be narrowing the industry you want to join, studying the basic criteria of judging a candidate’s personal branding by the firms and designing your personal branding strategy accordingly.

For a firm relying highly on LinkedIn profiles, you can keep posting your professional and academic achievements regularly and get recommendations from industry influencers. Similarly, for a marketing job or leadership position, you can voice your opinion about latest happenings regularly on Twitter, and let them know that you like getting engaged in social conversations.

clip_image005There are certain don’ts and no-no’s too that you should always take care of while posting stuff on social media. Writing a post about how you felt after a hangover, a rendezvous with local police, caste-race based comments, supporting use of abusive language, etc. are the things that might land you in trouble. What can help you authenticate your profile can be your posts and pictures of doing the tasks for the social causes that you have signed up for in your profile introduction.

You put your best step forward when you are appearing for a job interview and try to appear perfect in every aspect that you are judged upon. This is exactly why your personal brand on social media should stand a testimony for everything that you claim to be.

Who’s Your Next Best Hire?

Monday, February 9th, 2015

image Life is about changes, challenges and victories. To sum it up it’s a roller-coaster ride with ups & downs each day. We all have infinite potential within ourselves. All we lack is the ability to tap that reservoir of opportunities that exist within our life. Hence, here we have a beautiful piece of article written by our HR, Vasudha Misra Agnihotri.

Let’s see what she has to share!


As most people say, Motherhood is a challenging and enriching experience and so rightly it happened with me.

Each day starts off with a new adventure and ends with new experience. A lot of new moms often end up giving up their career because they often find it difficult to balance out their home and work life.

It’s time that we break the myth that only a dedicated mother can be the best mother. Today lakhs of young mothers are driving the change by starting their career in social and digital media agencies.

Our lives are constantly revolving around social media platforms so be it 12 years or 70 years, we see each one of us plugged on to our smartphones either chatting or visiting profiles of our long lost friends.

Such interesting and vibrant is this field with budding talents and creativity. So where’s the space for new moms? Well, the new mom is the new set of target employee that brings a new flavor to this field.

The pros of working with a social/digital media agency like Windchimes Communications is that it gives you flexibility and opportunity to work things around as per your schedule and availability and that’s one of the reason why it is becoming a popular career choice amongst the new mothers.

The competency and strength that a new mom will bring on board is her ability to multi-task, adaptability, ready to re-learn and handle difficult pressures and deadlines. Don’t we think it’s the perfect combination of ‘chai with bun maska’ to have on-board & handle the bunch of new talent?

She has seen it all and they are ready to take it all!! The new talent is full of energy and she knows how to channel their energy. While she will have her own set of challenges but she is now bestowed with best of energies & power to tackle any and every obstacle that comes her way.

In my opinion, the best target hire for mid to senior level hiring should be a new mom who is willing & seeking for that growth and wants to bring the change – not only for herself but for the organization she would be a part of!

For more details follow – to check how they nurture their best talent.

The Myths and Realities of Experiential Marketing

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

Blog ImageThere’s no escaping it. ‘Experiential marketing’ has lately emerged as one of the new buzzwords in business, but one needs to analyze how it can be used for their brands? Seeing the brands and the rise of experiential marketing, it is very important for brands nowadays to cut through the noise when consumers are being bombarded with messages and information through a multitude of media channels. With that in mind, one has to ensure and start thinking about how they can get people to experience and talk about their offerings. One has to offer experiences that lead them to communicate; share and advocate your brand to others, who in turn can get interested in your brand.

The consumers of today are more inquisitive and interested. They know what’s happening around them. Experiential marketing by brands, here, can play a great role in engaging with the consumers. Hence, it is growing at a great pace and its significance & benefits are not unknown. While in the process to bring brands to life through experiential marketing, brand managers need to be clear about a few myths enveloping this communication channel!

Here are a few ‘Myths’ which in the process of moving ahead we tend to overlook:

Myth: Experiential is just an event

Experiential is all about creating brand experiences that are not only positive, but are based on high-quality marketing techniques, consumer behaviour and analysis. Though live events get people talking, it is more than just an event. It is more about the specific market that one is targeting. Hence, the essence of experiential is based on the experience that brands create for their specific target audience.

Myth: It’s expensive

Experiential marketing increases overall brand awareness and purchases. And a lot of people think that for an experiential marketing to be effective, it has to be costly. But, this is not the case as one needs to look at the return on investment to know its complete value. One needs to check out:

Increase in the overall sales
Number of attendees of the event or experience
Level of engagement achieved with the target market
Number of clicks and likes achieved. Basically, the overall digital traffic
Coverage of the event or experience (online, offline, TV and print)

Myth: It is only one channel of communication

Experiential marketing is all about creating a bond between the user and the brand by getting them engrossed in a fun & memorable experience. But the communication should not just be this, brand managers and experiential marketers need to come up with new ways to communicate with the consumers. Brands thus, need to create a two-way dialog with consumers to help them feel heard and authenticated. There should be enough flexibility added to your experiential events by combining it with digital, PR and other communication platforms.

Myth: It’s a trend

No, not at all! Experiential marketing is m\not a trend. One cannot avoid the way social media has evolved and how consumers have evolved with it too. Also, nowadays how consumers share their experiences across social networks cannot be ignored. Hence, brands have taken a step to capitalize on this by making experiential marketing an essential part of their brand strategy & mix. In the end, it completely depends on the brand and what message it wants to give out and how!

Myth: They say, anyone can be an experiential marketer

This is not the case because experiential efforts can fail badly if not set in motion with proper planning and at the right time. As known, there are various channels of communication that are used to communicate to consumers, so deciding on which channels to be used very much depends on the industry it is being used for and the target audience. Planning this properly comes from the one who is an expert in the use of experiential marketing. So, anyone can be an experiential marketer is a myth!


Finally, when you design an experiential marketing program for your consumers, make sure it is well integrated with other communication channels, encourages and enhances consumer engagement. Ensure realistic parameters are set that protect brand’s identity across and take care to keep in mind the myths attached with experiential marketing for complete success and long term benefits. Lastly, don’t forget to ‘Have Fun’! Do share your thought with us in the comments below.