Archive for the ‘Blog Content’ Category

Brand Content & Tone: How Social It Gets!

Thursday, May 2nd, 2013

Well-Known World Brand Logotypes What is spoken about here is the ‘hard to define’ nature of emotional connection of brands. How brand managers can think of ways to strengthen the connection between their brand and the target market. Also a light is thrown upon what some of the reputed brands have done with the emotion of content & tone. Moving further the statistics in this context bring in some awareness to this element too.

Behavioral psychologists have long argued that only 30% of human decisions and behaviors are actually driven by rational considerations. This means that more than 70% of consumer loyalty and spending decisions are based on emotional factors. And it’s these emotional experiences that create connected, passionate, engaged customers.

Therefore, Emotional Connection = Engagement.

Engagement is based on emotional attachment between the customer & brand that develops and endures over time. The more frequently and consistently a brand can connect with a customer on an emotional level, the stronger and deeper the customer becomes engaged with the brand. One of the key factors for forging a meaningful, emotional relationship with customers is the brand‘s ability to integrate into their lifestyles. Brand becomes relevant in the customer’s life when this is achieved. Foundation of the brand-customer relationship becomes one built on loyalty, relevance & dependability.

Every ad generates an emotional response. Emotional responses constructed through a strong content are hard-wired into our brains and essential to our survival. Familiar & pleasurable ads generate more attention and attract us, while painful or threatening ones repel us. Emotional connection is a powerful way to link the heart of your target market with the soul of your brand.


Image Courtesy:

We, as activators of our clients’ brands should:

Strategically let them think over two questions:

(a) Which emotion can they own?

(b) How much emotional intensity does their category and brand merit?

Both answers are defined and limited by the target market.

But within those limits, you can tailor almost every business decision you make to maximize the appropriate emotional connection.

We respond emotionally to everything!

Emotion in Advertising is Pervasive, Yet Misunderstood. Advertisers talk about importance of generating an emotional response from people. However, they rarely stop to specify exactly what characterizes such a response or why they believe it is important.

The subject of emotion in advertising tends to bring certain types of commercials to mind! Does any commercial come to your mind?

Lately, you all must have come across popular brands and the ads where emotion in the content was given a great importance.

Coca Cola- Haan Haan Main Crazy Hun


Click here to watch the complete ad

Coca Cola

• The theme of the ad is "Open happiness", which is a very good concept and surely a need of the time.

• It can change the mood of a person and help him/her relax, have a laugh & forget tensions for the moment.

• Ad comes as a beautiful surprise and might even inspire someone to do some crazy but useful act.

• The acts designed are from our day to day life.

• The tone is that of today’s people, they keep talking about dude this is crazy….dude she is crazy, so coca cola took that insight & made the copy.

• The positive associations also work to create a brand that is loved.


• Unique in concept.

• Focus on spreading love & happiness.

• Fresh idea to share happiness even with strangers.

Coca Cola always comes out with something unique in its concept; however their campaign always focuses on spreading love and happiness. This advertisement is also creative in its own natural way as every character in this TVC is trying to shower happiness/ kindness through any means. So its kind of something fresh idea to share your happiness even with strangers.

Emotional Connect:

• Acts of kindness by feeding the dog, giving a bottle of coca cola build an emotional connect.

• Emotional connect is high as it shows how one gets peace by helping others or by making them happy.

It is at par in this TVC as one character is feeding stray dogs and other tries to make security guard happy by giving him a bottle of coca cola. Emotional connect is high as it is showing the height of peace you get when you make other person happy.

Brand Association:

Revolve around brand value & keep brand association intact.

Coca Cola beverages always revolve around its so strongly created brand value. It has featured its beverages bottles with highlighting the name Coca cola and thus brand association is kept intact.


• Relevance of this TVC lies in the fact that Coca cola always impart happiness through its campaign.

• This ad also paved on the same path with a new motto of spreading happiness in your own crazy ways.

Relevance of this TVC lies in the fact as Coca cola always try to impart happiness through its campaign, this advertisement is also paving on the same path with a new motto of spreading happiness in your own crazy ways. However, spreading happiness through a bottle of soft drink doesn’t make much sense to me still the picturization was so apt that it forces you to believe it.

Segmentation: This TVC has segmented people of all the categories still youth is the main center of attraction in it as there is nothing wrong if I say that youth are the main consumers of coca cola in India.

Pepsi- Oh! Yes, Abhi


To check what Pepsi is doing on Twitter, click here

Pepsi Facebook Page



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Click here for an amazing website view


Pepsi’s new campaign & positioning: ‘Oh yes Abhi’

• Harping on the youth’s impatience & the need to do everything ‘right now’, the campaign reinforced the concept of living in the moment.

Oh Yes Abhi! Translates into – live for the present as tomorrow is too late.

• Young people, they want things quick. Fast. Now. Hence the copy, Oh yes abhi.

• The campaign is a great combination of impatience of the cola & impatience of youth presented in a grand manner.

• Digital media like facebook, twitter, websites have also been used to promote the campaign.

Do you Recall these positioning of PEPSI?

‘Nothing official about it’ (1996)

‘Yeh dil maange more!’ (2006)

‘Pepsi ye pyaas heh badi’(2000)

‘My Pepsi My Way’(2009)

‘Change the game’ (2011)

‘Oh Yes Abhi’ (2013)



"If you don’t have an iPhone, well, you don’t have an iPhone“

• With this tone and content, the commercials then launch into a quick overview of key iPhone features.

• With the voiceover explaining the stuff you’re unable to do unless you’re a proud iPhone owner.

• People who carry apple product perceive themselves as above others.

• Hence the copy, if don’t have an iphone, well you don’t have an iphone.

• It is very important to understand the emotion of the copy. It should tie up with the brand personality audience and emotion.


Kit Kat- Dancing Babies


Click here to view

• Nestle’s new campaign urges people to take a break from their busy & hectic lifestyles & get surprised by some delightful moments in life.

• Their brand message, “Good things happen when you take a break”, the ad demonstrates that taking a few minutes to enjoy a Kit Kat can bring an unexpected & adorable delight to your day.

• Known for its youthful appeal, Kit Kat brought in smiling, giggling, singing & dancing Babies.

• They took babies as watching babies play puts a smile on anyone’s face. Watching them doing something we haven’t seen before is really great.

• Shows how taking a Kit Kat Break helps you notice something good which you might have otherwise missed.

Idea- Honey Bunny

How can we forget this “Honey Bunny”? Click here to view the ad


• Idea Cellular’s advertising has cut a wide arc, going from ‘What an Idea, Sirji!’ to “You’re my pumpkin pumpkin, hello honey bunny”.

• This jingle is on everyone’s lips, having become quite a rage across the country, just as the earlier campaign became a big success.

• Idea’s new ad campaign- ‘Idea Rings All India’ was launched after this teaser jingle.

• “Music is something which is universal, something which blends with every culture. It’s a hummable, likeable song, and that was exactly the thought behind creating the jingle.

• It went viral and was popular across the nation, on all platforms too.

ICICI Bank- Bande Achche Hain


• From concept to brand communication to creative execution, ICICI’s new ad campaign is a hit.

Campaign name: Bande achhe hain (They are good men)!

• Various situations are shown displaying caring nature of a family man, primarily as a husband and a father, who keeps fulfilling his responsibilities towards his family without really making a big deal about it.

• The tone of the TVC is that while men may be a little childish in their carelessness and forgetfulness, they’re a loving, responsible and caring still.

•  The catchphrase in the background score is “Par bande achhe hain” (But they are good men).

• The ad ends with the voice-over: “Jo zimmedari nibhaate hain, jataate nahi. Unko suraksha dete hain hum. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance. Zimmedaari ka humsafar”

• In a nutshell,

• The ad is relevant with a feel of family, their care etc. & hence accepted happily.

• A unique representation of an insurance ad.

• The song, the message, concept & the way real life situation and care is depicted is amazing.

Overall:   The ad is Best in Class, Good Impressive and Appealing.

7Up – I Feel Up


View ad



View ad

• They used rhythm & unexpected choreography to enliven the mood.

• It is an extension of the ‘I feel up’ thought where quirky dance & music combination is shown.

• A Kathakali artist dance.

• Japanese woman in the station performing lavani .

Highlighted the two most important equity properties as ‘dance’ and the ‘I feel up’ optimism, which the brand stood for.

•  It was not much about the dance, but about joy & happiness that drives true ‘uninhibitedness’ through dance.

‘I feel up’ message resonated with one’s mind & communicated that 7Up livens up a break in the middle of a dreary boring day.

Cinthol – Alive is Awesome


• Cinthol in order to reposition itself came up with a fresh campaign.

• The new idea they hit upon with was – “Being Alive is Awesome”!

• Targeted at younger consumers who want to live their life to the fullest.

• Cinthol tried to squeeze itself in the entire scheme of things representing the brand essence of  a very active lifestyle.

• They tried to relate to the new generation and successfully related to what the people of today want, think & aspire – to live their life, freely etc.

Just have a look at the Facebook page of Cinthol. Don’t miss the amazing video ad that enticed a lot of viewers who not only enjoyed the ad but could also relate to the tone and content of the brand. They also launched a YouTube app for this campaign.

The After effects of using Emotions in brand content

Real challenge is to focus people’s attention. If an ad is going to evoke a response that will last longer than a few seconds, it must create a memorable feeling. It must create a virtual magnifying glass that highlights something specific in relation to the brand — some fact, idea, or impression — and give it enough emotional charge to become established in memory. The response can be positive or negative, intense or weak. Response may not be intensely positive or intensely negative, it is still “emotional.” Product satisfaction is the biggest driver of emotional response. image

Not all brands have the “right” to communicate messages implicitly through emotionally arousing content; that is a privilege that is earned over time. Brands spend decades building a connection. Example: Coke. Newer brands need to focus on establishing their functional credentials even when their ultimate intent is to “ladder up” to an emotional benefit.

We need to also believe that the choices are justified by reason, not just feelings. If all advertising generates an emotional response of some sort, the real question then becomes whether an advertisement will evoke any conscious thought.

What about the use of emotional content, context & tone in Social Media?

Well, this is a very important question because as social media is becoming the most integral element of the marketing strategies then its clearly evident that emotion and content of a brand will lay a great impact on the consumers online. And most importantly the response would be quicker than any other medium and results would be surprising. Therefore, brand managers should integrate this concept in social media too.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs explains this concept best.





Unrecognized Needs



Finding the tone of voice in SMM

Authenticity = self awareness x courage

To understand one’s self and have the confidence to be true to your human nature takes courage. Amplify both and you get authenticity.

Now the question is are you ready for a deeper dive into your business?

If yes, then there are a few questions that when answered help brands to dive deeper and understand the brand tone & content they can use in their SMM and to connect to a customer in a deeper emotional level.

The three questions for testing authenticity are:

1. What business are we in?

2. What courageous, rebellious decisions have we recently made that could be perceived as brilliant or foolish?

3. What would it mean to the world if we didn’t exist anymore?

Irrespective of the desired response to advertising, don’t you think the first step is to create a link in consumers’ minds between the memories left by the ad and the brand? Shouldn’t an ad focus attention on the brand and the desired impression at the time of viewing? Customer engagement is all about emotional connections which have proven to be powerful and profitable. Lets see what is in store for brands in future and what reactions it generates.

Content Marketing: Brands Need to Gear Up!

Friday, March 15th, 2013

content If marketing is a pie, then content marketing is definitely the bigger slice of it. Most of the brand managers, marketers, companies and/or sectors would agree with this statement. Content marketing is indeed the most appealing trend of this year. If done right, it can create wonders to leading to traffic and driving sales. The key to this is to have a plan, a plan to target effectively & grab your target audience’s attention. There is no doubt about the fact that social media & mobile marketing have also showcased content to be supreme. Brands therefore, are now creating original content to engage customers. If B2B sector is taken into consideration, here the brands foster content usage by positioning company as a thought leader to the customers, producing demand.

Consumers also want a lot of information now and at the same time they want to make their own decisions. In that case brands need to provide valuable content to build trust.

Following all the changes and strategic developments happening all year around, this year marks some of the fantastic content marketing trends, when implemented correctly are sure to drive the business and brands to a great level.

Last minute web plugs, ad hoc promo driven microsites and integrating a social media strategy as an addition won’t work anymore! For a healthy and successful way forward, strategically planned content and distribution supported by well done research & inputs is the key.

Traditional publicity and content marketing differences are many. Just have a glimpse:



Moving on lets talk about the Social media & content marketing trends

Case studies, evolving as the most important part of content marketing are very essential when it comes to products & services. From “how it works” to “this is what I need”, case studies provide all the information related to a particular products.

E-books fill the space of B2C content marketing wherein all the questions on how to get the most out of a service or product will be a part of the content. A content that creates a comfort zone for buyers is another essential part.

Storytelling is become the most liked trend today. With everyday happenings on the social media platforms and content overflowing from all ends, some of the amazing stories are sure to get an edge. Here businesses can add that personal touch & experience with real examples and share it with people, the content they actually want to read.

Blogging by businesses will take the lead in times to came, infact it is already considered as the foundation of all sorts of content marketing actions. Blog encapsulates all types of content, posts, e-books etc. followed by links to the content in the blog.

Creating enough and original content might turn out to be the biggest challenge for content marketing. Marketers would be pressurized to come up with content based on superior quality & originality.

Social media will stand out as the most popular channel with Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin etc. distributing content that is liked and shared by people. The content can also be stored in the blog and shared with the social media platforms when required.

Content marketing goals would be sales & retention wherein B2B content would spawn leads & sales and B2C brands would move ahead with a goal of retention & generating word of mouth.

Content would be used all over. A single piece of content would be distributed & stretched to almost all the platforms where marketers will try to maximize their value. Revamping the existing content will also lighten the creation of content.

Mobile optimized content is creating buzz. Creating a mobile friendly content with a click to call option is sure to give you an edge over your competitors. From blogs, websites, case studies, e-books, videos and all other content should be made mobile friendly.

Content curation might be used as an alternative as marketers who fall short on time to create their own piece of engaging & original content shift to curation. Curation would include churning out the best content and sharing it across the social media platforms. It will lead to the brand losing its value & visitors to the page, at the same time being known as staying updated. A proper balance of original and curated content would be a good strategy.

Video would be the greatest trend with amazing video content. If you are planning to go viral with your content, then video is the answer. Short videos with easy steps to follow are good enough for engaging people who further share the content. Compelling content is the need of the hour for longer videos to make people sit back and watch. It should be shareable and eye catching. That’s it!

Infographics are a rapidly growing content format which have the visual appeal & information that is easy to understand and share.

Targeted content will get more results. Understanding the interests of potential customers and creating content based on that would foster engagement. Exploring on the buying behaviour of people will help generate targeted content.

E-mail, the most used and effective marketing channel can be leveraged by understanding the marketing goals and designing the communication to influence the buyers or consumers.

Budgets. There won’t be any slash down when it comes to content marketing. There would be increased spending on the same.

Gamified content strategy is on the rise. As the customers are getting influenced by online activities etc., they are expecting gratification to interact & engage with brands online, content that renders entertainment, learning & rewards is appreciated in a big way.

Expanding Social Media and its users generate a challenge for marketers when it comes to designing the content marketing strategies. Social media will continue to stand out as the greatest resource of real-time content distribution which is rising amongst the audiences.

Understanding the content & digital link is important. Content strategies need to be designed keeping in mind the digital strategies. Anybody could get the likes on Facebook, but what makes brands stand out is what they do with those likes. Its about the target audience and engaging them with content that brings them back everytime to the brand page. Facebook likes are not the content. Content is now also linked to SEO.

A breakthrough content backed by a strategically thought idea that the businesses or brands can deliver across platforms is the strongest step towards success.

Have a look at this, the anatomy of Content Marketing.


Image courtesy:

Brand managers and marketers are on a constant run to look out for ways to build consumer engagement, acquire and retain them. In order to win the race of attracting the target audience marketers will have firstly capture their minds with the product, offers etc. and secondly create connecting content.

Lets see what, that offers restaurants listings of restaurants, food reviews etc. did. It also has Android & iOS apps that are easy enough to use. It is also active on Facebook & Twitter garnering amazing likes and fan following.

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Zomato engages with its customers regularly on these social media platforms. They constantly urge their customers to praise the food etc. and also stay clear of being praised and promoting itself everytime. Recently, they came up with Food Porn Site to get more visible, where people could look at pictures of scrumptious & luscious food. Zomato also regularly maintains its presence on blogs & sites to escalate their reach and visibility.


Coca-Cola strongly believes in content marketing and therefore it is their core strategy of Content 2020 advertising strategy mission: "All advertisers need a lot more content so that they can keep the engagement with consumers fresh and relevant, because of the 24/7 connectivity. If you’re going to be successful around the world, you have to have fat and fertile ideas at the core."


Click here to watch.


Colgate provides an online Oral and Dental Health Resource center with videos, interactive guides, and over 400 articles. It’s a great example of a brand seeing itself as a publisher and using its depth of knowledge to provide valuable information to people, which is the key to content marketing success. Even a two person company can pull from their experience and expertise to create blogs, e-newsletters and e-books in an organized and effective way that reaches prospects.



General Electric used content marketing to tell the story of the 132-year-old brand through different content channels. They used the content tactic Ecomagination, which is a forum for fresh thinking and conversation about clean technology and sustainable infrastructure. According to Katrina Craigwell, Digital Marketing Manager at GE’s belief, “At the end of the day, if the content isn’t good enough for the end user to want to share it with a friend or colleague, we haven’t quite succeeded.”


So, it is evident how brands are constantly updating & innovating their content, offerings and approach to connect with their customers. Also the way social media platforms are used, it beautifies the brands’ marketing. Content is surely the king as it is encouragingly served & shared to a large audience in multiple ways.

Recently, there was a brand owner’s summit where it was showcased how "Brand marketing has given way to content marketing". Check this link to read through!

A proper plan, relationship building, long term thinking and consistency helps a brand go long way with its content marketing.

What clicks through is the relationship that a brand builds with its influencers and consumers etc. They help drive in traffic by posting and sharing the content from website to various other networks.

Content is the heart of social media. It is the life savior of branding campaigns. Don’t you agree? Yes, it is. It is a lot more than an SEO, a tweet, blog or Facebook post etc. Need to create an original content is very essential. A content that moves away from brand messages to the one that’s relevant & approachable for consumers.

For a content that is not only significant but exceptional, one should aim to create, curate, plan & collect the same.

In 2012, there was a great rise in the use of images in content marketing with social media platforms like Pinterest & Instagram followed by Facebook, Linkedin & Twitter which focused on imagery. With the beginning of 2013, content marketing has evolved yet in another great way.

Brands and organizations need to plan a framework for their content marketing. They have already started looking out for media platforms to purchase & bloggers to manage the same. In almost every industry there is a great prospect for a appropriately planned content strategy.

Times ahead are now going mobile.

Mobile web browsing is also expected to outdo the web browsing through desktops and laptops. Content marketers will therefore have to create content suited to the mobile lifestyle.

The website should be designed in a way that is compatible with the smartphone. And with smartphone users and consumers increasing every fraction of a second they always expect the content to be readable on their mobile devices which they carry almost everywhere they go.

These trends are a witness to a movement that was prevalent for years and now trying to reach a larger mass. Brand managers and marketers have also come to a conclusion that social media channels are not that effective without an appealing content to engage. How would you analyse the role of content in the World where the complete consumer behaviour has changed? Don’t you think content is the most eminent marketing strategy? Do you think 2013 will be the year of content marketing with innovations & intelligence? It is expected that the applications would be developed to improve the efficiency of content creation. Would it help publishers to polish the performance of their content on web or social media? How would it improve the ROI?

Blogger of the Fortnight: S. Pradeep Kumar

Friday, March 1st, 2013

image Blogger of the Fortnight

Current Position and Organization:
CEO and Founder at Slashsquare, HellBound Bloggers (HBB)
Educational Background:
Gill Adarsh Matriculation Higher Secondary School
Blog Name:


S. Pradeep Kumar is the founder of HellBoundBloggers where he talks about technology related stuff and his blog attracts many guest bloggers every time. This is also one of the best Indian blogs to know about tech buzz.

Pradeep Kumar’s HellBound Bloggers, HBB as they call it popularly is a Technology Blog and Web Community, where they focus on topics like Blogging, Social Media, Technology, WordPress and Internet Tips.  He started his blogging journey with Google’s Blogger platform which was the basement for his blogs earlier. For a more potential platform he turned to WordPress. He wanted to have a blog to express his views and did blogging as a hobby. Later he started blogging much more professionally and intentionally.

Time management tops the chart of importance for Pradeep. He is very particular about his passion for blogging and regularly keeps track of a few things helpful for his blog’s quality. Some of them being content & comment moderation, guest posts moderation, affiliate marketing, sponsored review preparation, monitoring social media presence & effects, drafting his own blog post, monitoring SEO and other such factors.

Apart from Hellboundbloggers, Pradeep also has a blog network called Slashsquare and a new hosting blog – HostLater which he manages too. HBB is a part of Slashsquare Network which is an Indian Blog Network and Web Consulting Media.

Pradeep believes that bloggers should enhance their blog with consistent efforts & creating it of a particular standard. This in turn generates a great amount of traffic and interested readers.

With no readers at all initially to amazing authors was a turning point and a blessing for Pradeep who now considers himself to be incomplete without blogging. Experiencing and rising from mistakes of the bygone days was a learning experience too.

Pradeep loves playing games especially racing games. He never forgets to include de-stressing in his schedule where he prefers gaming & reading books. Apart from this he is a great lover of photography too.

Pradeep believes in knowing his audience completely, analyzing their comments, understand their views and then accordingly compile his blog to rise above their expectations. He simply believes that if one is creative then surviving this era of tough competition becomes easy as you can perform accordingly.

The amazing blogging journey that Pradeep has travelled, the passion that he depicts in his Blog HellBoundBloggers and the way it resonates effectively with readers across entitles him to be our Blogger of the Fortnight.

Click here to read more about our Blogger of the Fortnight series.

QR Codes: Potential Social Media Trend

Friday, March 1st, 2013

imageQR Codes, also popularly known as quick response codes have come up as an essential marketing trend in these few years. These square designs have been found popping almost everywhere, be it magazines, in stores, direct mail pieces etc. to name a few. QR Codes are computer generated images that help customers to directly connect with websites or online platforms without typing a URL. These codes can be easily scanned with Smartphones directing the users to the online content. The QR Code trend is catching up fast and almost all the industrial sectors, professions and brands are using it.

Today, majority of searches happen online through Smartphones which is another important factor for businesses to provide their brand’s information etc. in a mobile optimized format.

We all have at some point or the other seen QR Codes on posters, business cards, magazines, newspapers and all such places where advertisement is done. These quick response codes are also termed as one of the effective marketing tools. These QR Codes provide the users or viewers with a link to that particular company or brand’s website, services or contact information.

clip_image004QR Codes facilitate the sharing of targeted information with the audience or people keen to know about your brand or business, instantly.

Businesses can use QR Codes to:

  • · Provide discounts and offers
  • · Share the brand video or content
  • · Make it hassle free for people to join them online
  • · Get a quick feedback via a short survey or poll


Brand managers and advertisers are not only in search of creative places to put them but also extremely unique methods to put them. In this case, Social Media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are turning out to be the most popular places to put them with amazing content too.

It goes without saying that marketing trends come & go, but QR Codes are positioned in such a way that their use is growing every year. Firstly, the Smartphone users are increasing everyday and secondly, the QR codes direct the users to a content which is not static but one which is relevant and updated. And finally, the most important factor that makes QR Codes stand out is their compatibility with social media tools.

There are more than 200 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices. People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice more active on Facebook than non-mobile users.

QR Codes can be used at:

· Stores: One can post a signage with QR Code that links to a website that gives full details about the product, offers etc.

· Events: The printed materials can have a QR Code through which customers can access detailed content related to the event.

· On Business Cards: Apart from telling about you, your business cards can direct people to a link that speaks about your business too.

· Print Ads: Along with a call to action, QR Codes on print ads speak more about the brand story beyond what can be placed on small ads. Consumers can be offered rewards on scanning these codes too.

What to do for a perfect incorporation of QR Codes into a Social Media strategy?

Well, when doing so, its better to keep it simple.

One effective approach can be to give a vCard or links to your brand or company’s social media networks such as Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter. If you have a blog or some other content linked to your business, you can also provide links to that as well.

Unlike printed collateral and platforms, the data at the URL which is linked to the QR Code can be regularly updated which can help you to update the content as and when required. Whenever you plan to add the QR Codes to your marketing strategies, ensure teaming up with a QR Code specialist who can render a smooth execution & administration, offering you an ease on managing your QR Code campaign.

Planning to use QR Codes in your Social Media Campaign?

If the answer is yes, then here’s what you need to know. There have been numerous debates on the use of QR Codes. Are people aware of the use of QR Codes? Do they know the how & why of QR Codes? Are people interested to use them? People feel that they are not appealing and have an unattractive feature.

On a positive note, if brands and businesses are planning to integrate the offline with the online marketing campaigns, QR Codes stand out useful. QR Codes have a great power to direct anyone to any corner of a website. For example, if one has a huge URL that further links to some product of some design etc. they can use QR Codes in their ATL marketing to direct them to the same.


Making QR Codes look great on an advert is one thing that should be taken care of with creative and engaging solutions.

In order to enhance the overall exposure of your brand you can direct them to social media websites. As a core part of their marketing strategy, brands are directing or shifting their users to social media platforms. Here, QR Codes can help users get their quickly. Of course with smarter phones!


For a Successful QR Code Marketing Campaign:

· There are a few steps you should keep in your mind before planning a QR Code campaign strategy.

· Plan your QR Code campaign strategy by understanding your target audience, exploring the objectives & providing suitable incentives.

· Produce Quality QR codes and do test them in order to avoid any brand flaws.

· Test the QR Codes with several readers & devices

– For clean codes, use link shorteners

– Use mobile optimized sites to link your QR Codes

· You can track your scans and gather important data with popular code management systems

· Give your codes a value; they can act as a lead generation tool too.

QR Codes are invading the market space and QR Code scanning is growing at a fast pace for Twitter and Facebook interactions. The idea is to access vast information just by scanning them.

QR Codes for social media can be used by implementing a few techniques like:

· Generate QR Code from QR code generators and link them to social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.

· Subscribe to an RSS feed or join a mailing list.

· Share content to praise some consumer experience or special deals & offers along with updated brand information.

· Engagement through polls, surveys and call to action can give useful data on ideas and feedback of users, their behavioural information and link to landing pages & promotions respectively.

· Targeting by finding out from where are people accessing your brand information via QR Codes on certain platforms.

· Offline and online actions by users can be linked to craft communities and raise influence.

QR Code can help a business increase their Facebook ‘Likes’ building large connections with the customers consistently. It can be placed anywhere and it allows people to ‘Share’ any content throughout the platform. One can create a link to a Twitter profile & increclip_image006ase the number of followers. With a QR Code, customers can ‘Tweet’ the content to ‘Followers’. Customers can be linked to the page, boards or maybe directly to the product pictures pinned on the boards. Adding a little dynamism to the print advertisement with a QR Code can direct users directly to a commercial on YouTube. One can also market a coupon which can later be redeemed in person after scanning the QR Code. These coupons can also be shared on social media platforms. Directing users to some app with a QR Code is also a great effort.

One can create Social QR Code for different social media platforms in just a few clicks.

Don’t miss out watch the Blackberry Messenger QR Code Ad.

Instagram also took a step ahead towards QR Codes:









QR codes can direct users to websites, contact information, send SMS texts, and even help businesses and people get Facebook “likes.” To generate a QR code that can be used on a social media profile, it needs to be in a user friendly format (jpeg is a user friendly format) that will be useful when trying to integrate other applications for the QR code.

After uploading the QR code to Facebook, customize your Facebook post.

You need to customize a few components:

· Title: it is the headline which is helpful in grabbing the attention of Facebook Users.

· Description: provide all the important information about your campaign here.

· Image: place the QR Code here.

· Source: to provide the context for the campaign, the brand linked with the social QR Code campaign should host the code.

Followed by this, the campaign can be taken live on the Facebook page.

· Users will be able to view the ad of your business or website with the QR Code.

· They will scan the code and would be provided with a URL to website and an URL to share on Facebook.

· QR Code is then posted to the user’s wall & news feed and they can share it with their friends.

· There are a lot of benefits attached with a social media QR Code campaign. Your content can be shared across the platform amongst tons of users. Therefore, a huge amount of customers get enticed to your brand and business.


QR code traffic is growing in a fast pace. Brand managers can enhance their marketing strategies with these special QR Codes by bringing the online content to the mobile audience.Times ahead with QR Codes & the potential with them is limitless. It would be a really great thing to see how they imbibe the factor of connecting people with technology and rendering them enhanced experience. It is pretty exciting to wonder where these codes will stand in future when the complete content will be embedded in the code. How would you take advantage of the phenomena of QR Codes? How would you like to link it to your social Media strategies?

Social Media Mascots Amplify Brand Voice

Friday, February 15th, 2013

imagePrecisely, a mascot visually represents complete attributes of a brand. Consumers have seen, appreciated and related very actively with brand mascots. One reason also being that mascots are very capable in distinguishing between the competitors by striking an emotional connection with consumers. Mascot is therefore also considered as powerful as the logo. Now, with the social media sector booming, mascots are also on the verge of and are already portraying immense success for brands through this platform.

It goes without saying that with rising competition in the world of marketing and branding there’s a great need for the brand managers to instill in the big idea into their branding. Brands, recently are imbibing the trend of marketing with a sophisticated approach wherein mascots are trying to step in to add a personal touch to the corporate brands too.

These brand imageries or mascots which were known to communicate the most essential echelon of advertising and marketing seemed to have faded in the past few years. They were again brought oi light by a few brands. During those days animation was not active as today and ad men used to play with unrealistic characters trying to stand out in terms of the brand.


Introduction of social media to brands using mascots occurred during the phase when Pillsbury doughboy and Ronald Mc Donald were created.

Brand mascots are usually very creative, colourful, dynamic and appealing making them recognizable and easy to identify with. Once this association wherein consumers could easily relate with the brand is established brand awareness increases.

Gone are the days when products had a few seconds television commercial to generate the character of the brand and mascot. Today the advancement in technology lets the creativity to flow across brands allowing them to play with photorealistic stuff or mascots. Virtual brand mascots are now playing another great role to enhance the characteristics of a brand.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, brands have unlimited space, time and flexibility to create, integrate and evolve with mascots or brand characters. The direct approach attribute along with the sharing capacity that these digital platforms provide render a much wider, louder and fairer space to communicate to its audience.

Nowadays, the frequency with which brands are exploiting the social media platforms to communicate with or through mascots or animated characters is adding a new dimension to their branding strategies. Entrepreneurs and brand managers are now developing more integrated branding communication wherein they are taking efforts to couple the viral online campaigns with television and radio slots etc. this in turn encourages the viewers and audience to engage with the brand and learn online about their much liked mascots.

A question thus arises that what are the benefits of owning a brand mascot, and that also digitally or socially?

Well, this approach gives marketers a chance to endow the brands with an embodied face and voice for their brands. This not only humanizes the brands and its products but brings them closer to their consumers too. The consumer of today loves to interact online, like, comment, tweet or share with a cute mascot or character than with a faceless brand communication.

Industries like insurance have also taken a leap ahead to try their hands on the use of mascots. Use of animated characters is seen creating a significant impact within the social media buzz through their brand mascot. These mascots and animated characters have also started spreading the brand message either through YouTube videos, Twitter, games on Facebook etc.

The appearance and voice of the mascot is equivalent to the voice of the brand.

When its about Social media marketing techniques, the efforts by these brand mascots are a really great way to engage more consumers and grow the business.

Consumers on Facebook also want to dynamically bond with the mascot or animated character than just interacting through the traditional techniques of delivering product or industry news and features. Mascots on social media platforms soft sell the products which is greatly in sync with the psychology of online consumers. Consumers nowadays are less likely to interact with a logo or the PR person on social media.

Mascots are a delight to a brand as branding elements that help to connect allowing the digital marketing methods to emerge with a ‘timeline’ story, a completely new thing. Sustaining a character requires manpower that is dedicated to keep the mascot alive, active and going. Some old mascots and characters like the Amul Girl have already become active on Facebook and tweeting out the brand message across successfully. Vodafone Zoozoos have captured millions of hearts by not only communicating the core brand message but doing it with an element of fun and excitement to which consumers could relate to easily.

The animated characters or mascots are adorable, likeable and fun creating a long lasting impression on people’s minds. Be it naughty Amul Girl or Ronald Mc Donald these mascots or characters perk up the characteristics of a brand on social media if you ‘Like’ or ‘Tweet’.

Amul Girl

Seen in the Polka doted dress, the lovely Amul Girl has initiated the concept to showcase picture of (politics, entertainment, sports, culture) Indian or Global. Creatively showcased, this is a popular brand mascot.





You can also check how consumers are following Amul on Twitter fostering brand recall.

Vodafone Zoozoos


Encouraging more followers on Twitter brought Vodafone a great brand loyalty towards its offers etc.


There are a certain parameters that brand managers and social media strategists should think about like:

· Do these characters and mascots relate to the Target audiences?

· Does it display the brand attributes strongly & effectively on social media?

· Do these characters give a fresh and new angle to your marketing and branding?

· Does it foster brand recall?

Whereas, if we look at celebrity endorsements one cannot avoid the fact that they come with higher costs of brand endorsements. One celebrity endorses many brands causing a clutter factor and poor brand recall. Brands apparently are considered to be the same as the celebrity who endorses it. So, any negative happening on their end would affect the brand personality and the complete brand association might go for a toss.

On the other hand, mascots and animated characters are flexible. They are very unique and do not fade with times. No two animated characters and mascots are alike. Brands just need to add in life-like situations and a tinge of imagination to enjoy a completely different world of their brand/product altogether.

ICICIDirect also went the animated way on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. They introduced Mobo & Gyano to educate users about financial planning via Social Media. In this campaign, Mobo & Gyano talk about why people need to do financial planning. Click this to know more on how a brand campaign, ICICIDirect in this case through animated characters and mascots can be fruitful.



Garnier Pure Active had also initiated a ‘Bust blackheads’ campaign with Facebook. It was a great campaign starring blackheads as characters with names and personalities and who live on your face.




This is a great example of how a brand can relate with the consumers psyche for better engagement and identity.

An International brand GEICO- an auto/car insurance brand which has this Gecko, a popular spokeslizard sharing views and advices related to the brand attributes of car insurance.

The Facebook page is popularly called as The GEICO Gecko.




On Social Media:

During a launch phase of a product, giving your mascot or character a Facebook page and a twitter is a brilliant idea. Besides posting and tweeting about new product developments, the page could be filled with humour and latest news too.

Encouraging and interesting tone of language will foster interactions. The character or mascot has to be a part of your marketing strategy which has to be simple and precise.

Regular interactions, answering queries along with tracking the suggestions by fans are also very important.

Mascots and animated characters keep the interest levels very high. Social media helps for personal interaction. Platform like Facebook give a face to the brands if they are willing to use mascots. People easily connect and communicate with these elements online.

Mascots on social media promote soft sell.

Presence of mascots consistently across all social media platforms for spreading the brand message throughout render uniformity to the brand attributes.

In case of an economic downfall or financial crisis the goodwill that a mascot had created goes a long way in sustaining the brand.

A huge potential lies in unleashing the mascot or a character as the consumers today also respond more frequently to these non-human characters positively. They have now become receptive to the mascot concept on social media.

When voiced through an element of affection like a mascot, campaigns garner more interaction, passion and brand loyalty; successfully tapping into the consumer psychology. Storylines, personalized updates and profiles that are rendered to these mascots pull in more audiences to the brand page augmenting more interaction between the consumer and the brand. Mascots and characters have a personality of their own that has successfully resonated with the consumers in a positive way. And this goes without saying that the growth that these mascots are adding is more likely to stay in times to come gifting the brands with larger loyalty and recognition levels.

A lot of brands have started setting standards with mascots on social media, going viral, amazing content etc. to make their products interesting. This is helping them generate a great amount of traffic to their social media presence. It’s a great opportunity for other brands to exploit this idea for their brands too.

In a nutshell, mascot can reap amazing benefits for a company on social media because:

  • They will personify your product online. Users tend to enjoy operating within a particular network. Hence, an ad campaign attracts more conversations when everything is available on Facebook page of the brand.

  • Customer service gets a facelift with an imagery or character interacting with consumers to solve their queries and problems. Mascots with an added element of fun and entertainment make consumers happy in a big way.

  • Content being the king on social media, a great content engages, entertains and encourages consumers more to understand the brand/product. Therefore, a good content helps companies to deliver their message through mascots.

  • Concluding on a core thought about mascots, brand managers should use the mascots skillfully to communicate the brand message effectively. On the other hand, if it is allowed to drift even a little, it can surpass the core message fostering inappropriate brand associations.


  • With emerging competition, brand managers should now start to shift the paradigm of their minds to Mascots for the brands. This in turn should be implied strongly through social media platforms. More social the mascot takes the brand, higher the benefits, and greater the brand recall. Do you think bring mascots on social media is a brilliant idea? Will mascots on social media propel greater brand associations and loyalty? Do you think the current trend of conveying the message and brand attributes through these characters on social media will render a strong branding? Will the consumers online be able to get the complete brand message through mascots voicing the brands?

Stationery Brands Go Social

Friday, February 1st, 2013

stationery Social Media has reached a phase where a person’s tweet is a great matter of concern for all brands, Facebook posts are clearly analyzed by organizations, followed by Linkedin updates which foster insightful studies. Pinterest, YouTube & Google+ also queue up as some of the most effective social media tools triggering the finest marketing strategy for brands across the globe. In the past few years technology has changed the way Stationery brands approach their target audience.

Now, its not just the next door neighbor who hears about it, but the entire World. The basis of this fact is a clear indication of Social Media influence. Stationery Industry is moving ahead with a great pace to stand out from the competition and acquire attention from its consumers.

Kids being the primary target followed by corporate and other segment it turns out to be great challenge for the stationery sector to structure its loom towards them. Innovations, designs, variety and quality in the stationery products are some of the top attributes that instigate the buying behavior.

With social media, marketing has become more like a conversation. People view, review and communicate your brand out to the World across platforms. Blogs, social media platforms, review sites, videos and a lot more are branches to the root of your communication.

Marketing your stationery products online has a potential to offer you a variety of benefits. Spreading the word about your stationery business can lead to increased sales, fans and identity across. Social Media also allows you to stay in touch with existing customers, which can help you develop long-term relationships with loyal customers. Many stationery brands like ITC Classmate, Faber Castell, Staedtler, Staples, Post It, Scotch, Pentel, Crane & Co. etc. implementing social media strategies into branding & marketing effectively. Marketing is measurable; therefore, one can track and re-use the marketing strategies that produce the maximum return on investment for your stationery products business.

Social media integration into the stationery sector sounds as a challenging factor but when blended together with appropriate strategy and planning, it exhibited flavourful outcomes. As a stationery sector one must talk about the strength of social media and using internet as a marketing tool with an emphasis on synergizing the paper with the online.

Have a look at how some of the Stationery brands are shining on Social Media:

ITC Classmate

Classmate has gradually evolved with its successful presence across social media platforms. Its presence on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube has added a silver lining to its cloud of products, services and offerings. Its loved by students and appreciated for its approach.








Staples is the world’s largest office products company and a trusted source for office solutions. It provides products, services and expertise in the categories of office supplies, technology, furniture, Copy & Print, and cleaning and breakroom. It has achieved a great recognition on Social Media.

Facebook – India


Facebook – US






















Faber Castell

Faber Castell is a leading stationery company which offers range of colouring and writing instruments for schools and offices. It exports to over forty countries and has seven manufacturing units across India producing high quality products, safe for children and environment.






Moving on there’s Crane & co., a stationery brand that has implemented immensely beautiful innovation and design into its products. It is very active on Social Media and a very inspiring brand of the industry.

Crane & Co. is a well known brand in stationery and innovations.










User experience should be the top priority in order to acquire the best fans to your brand and in turn retain them with the best social approach. The digital connection that is efficiently blending into the world of stationery brands is evident across multiple platforms. This is further creating an amazing digital impact on stationery design and messaging that the manufacturers & retailers do to market and promote the products.

A social shift like this is a major driving force for this era, whether its Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest, every platform is playing a great role in connecting the consumers to one another trying to fit their brands into their digitized and communication grid.

Now the question evolves what if consumers talk negative about your brand or business? The hidden fact here is that if your marketing has been strong to reach them, they will at some point talk about your business, be it positive or negative. They might have had a poor experience at your store, disliked your product, or maybe their queries would have been unanswered for long. Here, you just need to address the issue, work on it and resolve it! This approach will, in times to come prevent a retailer or manufacturer from losing a customer on account of an off experience.

It is extremely essential for a Stationery Brand to connect with its consumers on all the social or digital outlets. From having a faint idea about a product to a clear understanding of the same makes a lot of difference not only for the consumers but for brands too. Allow your consumers to discover your product offerings, generate interest and in turn experience it. As a Stationery brand work towards building an emotional connection, appealing your consumer’s minds and implementing innovation in your product.

Moving on, Design is the most important key for stationery companies if they want to tap into and sustain in this tech savvy, art-loving and fast moving consumer block. A great attention is being paid to the ‘Likes’, ‘Shares’, ‘Tweets’, 140 characters, ‘Pins’ etc. by stationery brands. Perhaps, their marketing strategies are gradually blending with social media at a remarkably consistent pace.

Whatever the fusion, but stationery is turning out to be a great sector in this social space and digital culture creating wonders. Traditional techniques of approaching the stationery buyers have changed on a large scale and this fresh revolution is very much appreciated by the masses.

In the Stationery sector; design, innovation and creativity will always be the major attractions. Depicting the brand offerings in 140 characters have been and will always be a challenge for this sector. With new media changing constantly, what are the challenges that have you encountered in your social media marketing as an Entrepreneur or a Brand manager? Will your ‘stationery’ brand no more be ‘stationary’ and successfully be on a constant move to shape future communications? With so many brands on Social Media will it be able to penetrate through the brand clutter? Is your social media strategy strong enough to facilitate a real time return on investment?

FMCG Brands Now Powered by Social Media

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013


Social Shopping Cart When we discuss about the FMCG sector, we can see that nowadays consumers are provided with numerous choices in every shelf of every category. Those days have also faded away when there was only one-way communication and are very positively replaced by two-way communication in the social world. This in turn affected the decision making process of the consumers in a great way. The consumer behavior is different now compared to what it was years ago.


Consumers’ today research, review & seek recommendations; analyze the post purchase experience etc. before initiating any purchase. Their will to reach out to the brands directly and with ease has become easy with social media wherein the engagement and interactions lead to purchase decisions.

When leveraging an FMCG firm using social media, one should base it on few parameters like: core consumers, their engagement, tracking the interactions about the brand, measuring the success of the brand in social media and most importantly the challenges faced by FMCG brand managers in the social space.

In order to identify the core consumers, FMCG brands should not think of segmenting their social media audience. Instead, they should try engaging with the existing customers irrespective of whether they are core or not and utilize the social media tools to achieve brand’s goals.

When you are planning out a social media strategy for your FMCG brand, the initial step is listening to what your consumer has to say. Therefore the social journey of your FMCG brand should always begin with social listening. This will build up a lot of possibilities that the brand can utilize to further strengthen the bond with its customers.


Analyzing the interactions will help you gain a deeper insight into your consumer’s minds and their sentiments towards your brand. For a solid measurement of your Return on Investment always keep a consistent eye on your competitor’s activities and structure your activities accordingly.

Social Media facilitated FMCG brands to become more self expressive and stand out amongst the rest as a more challenging one.

When it’s about FMCG brands, they are amongst some of the most innovative and prompt in their Social & Digital media use. What potentially matters are the efforts taken by these brands to stay ahead in the market.

Before moving on, here are a few ways that FMCG brands should take up to market in social media:

· Plan and implement your marketing activities to know what the consumers feel about your brand. Let them not only know about the brand, but understand it, relate to it.

· Engage with your consumers. Try to reach out to their needs and directly connect with them.

· Your marketing activities should be a part of your consumer’s lives. It should reach out to them to wherever they go as they are the ones who will initiate the final purchase.

· Social media is more of a two-way communication. Do remember to ask questions to your consumers and get ideas.

· Last but not the least; do not confuse social media with media. Both have a different approach and strategy.

social-media-and-the-world1 Challenges for FMCG brands in Social Media

An effort needs to be taken by FMCG firms/brands to not just limit their strategies, thoughts and marketing activities to campaigns in social media, but to think beyond that. They need to structure ways in which the can use the social media tools to engage more consumers persistently.

There is a great potential for FMCG firms to create a mark through social media platforms. Moving ahead, viral videos etc. can be great for an FMCG brand, but they might end up being recalled as a video or some game, but maybe not as a brand. Therefore, a strong consumer engagement through effective social media marketing on a regular basis sees greater prospects for the brand.

What the entrepreneurs need to focus on today is that social & digital media need to be integrated with all the marketing activities effectively for a successful rise of their brands.

Social Media offers the FMCG marketers a direct access to the users of their products. Engagement, of consumer with the brand gives an insight of what people actually want from the brand.

Well, there can be times when an FMCG brand has to face problems such as time consumption and signifying the Return on Investment followed by lower levels of commitment by the consumers more likely occurring due to reduced brand resonance. In order to avoid or overcome these hurdles, FMCG brand managers need to focus on a certain principles to work successfully on social media:

– Set Goals

– Clearly understand the Social Media Tools

– Set up metrics to measure success

– Relate to the consumer

– Discover influencers & Invest in success

– Flexible approach

– Measure social media responses

– Consistent Interactions/Conversations

FMCG firms need to monitor and analyze the insights of their brand’s social media presence on a regular basis. One has to keep a check on what consumers are talking online about their brand and their competitor’s. An essential social media strategy will help a brand to maintain its industry standards and stay on top.

Therefore, the most authentic part of any social media strategy shines when an FMCG brand manager takes care of certain parameters namely:

Consumer Insights: Examine the conversations happening about your brand and your competitor’s brand and plan your communication based on that.

Competitive Analysis: Identify what your competitors are doing already and design your strategy to stand out as a stronger brand.

Customer Service: Interact with your consumers, respond to their queries, enquiries etc.

Track Trends: Discover the trending topics regularly and track them for a better understanding of your communication strategy

Category Research: A regular study of your product category will give you a larger picture of your presence in the same.

Crisis Management: Stay well equipped to identify and respond to potential crisis circumstances.

The marketing of FMCG products on Social Media, as we discussed earlier is not an easy victory that can achieved in a day’s time. One has to be aware of the fact that a consumer nowadays is more concerned about what they feel when they purchase and use a particular product.

FMCG brand marketers therefore stress largely on the feel good factors and factors with which consumers easily relate to.

Have a look at an exciting blend of information on the Social Presence of few of the FMCG brands:


With a focus to make everyday a celebration, Cadbury Dairy Milk went a long way to establish itself socially. When Pappu passed his exam, Cadbury came up with its ‘Kuch Meetha Ho Jaaye’ proposition followed by the ‘Shubh Aarambh’ one. Its doing really well on social platform. check out Cadbury Dairy Milk on Facebook.



The lip-smacking noodles delight, Maggi came up with the ‘Meri Maggi’ concept and reached out to the nation widely. Its tonality online is very generic, neutral and simple.






Nescafe India Facebook page’s communication is based on the “Shake it, Make it” campaign. Although the brand does not involve lot of things that can be spoken about but its online campaign and activities keeps a major consumer base hooked to the page. Nescafe on Pinterest works a lot in creating an interest in consumer’s minds regarding the brand.




Pepsi as a brand is more youthful, fun and exciting. Its presence on Social Media is a well thought marketing strategy that incites the target audience to live the brand. It achieved great responses online which further helped them to structure their marketing strategy.











There rests a great potential for FMCG brands to explore Social Media platforms and leverage their brand identity. The rising competition in times to come will surely influence and encourage the FMCG sector to create a name in Social Media World.


In the FMCG sector, a desire to be elevated on social media will always prevail with the hits of yesterday transforming to the likes of today. What is essential is how you differentiate your brand and make it unique amid the brand clutter. As Entrepreneurs and Brand managers of FMCG firms, what challenges have you encountered in your social media marketing? How have you structured the social media plan for your FMCG brand? Is your social media strategy strong enough to facilitate a real time return on investment?