Archive for the ‘Blog Content’ Category

Branding & Marketing: The Online-Offline Blend!

Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

Blog ImageIn this constantly changing world of marketing, advertising and branding, a very simple Google search has the potential to reveal all trends that the industry can experience in times ahead. Few trends are already in the process of shaping up the route of marketing & branding and few are emerging gradually. The first quarter of this year has already witnessed few of the major developments in the social and digital landscape; one of these innovations being; the fusion of online and offline techniques. The time is here when businesses are striving to create an integrated marketing strategy because of the rising association between the corporeal and virtual worlds.

Digital Marketing is the leading edge, and everybody knows that. Therefore, with digital marketing or simply calling online marketing, it has become very easy for brands, brand managers and marketers to connect with their target audiences.

Now the question is, do you think this is just enough? The answer is, ‘No’!bi

Simply because, by just having an online marketing campaign does not mean one can leave offline marketing aside. What one should not do is, having two stand-alone marketing strategies and actually work towards having both the offline and online strategies work in synchronization.

Moving on, this type of marketing blend requires more than just integrating the marketing techniques. It requires integrating the mindsets of the marketers as this online and offline fusion is just like the two sides of the same coin. Consumers and audiences today are already living in this reality.

just think about it, how we print our movie tickets after booking it online, we research things online and pick it up from the related store, we buy something in the store and get information about it online. Still, marketers are not able to make out much on how and when to integrate both the channels.

If you are still wondering on how to begin with bringing your online and offline strategies together, below are a few things you can start with:

– Using Social Media platforms to spread the word about some brand event offline

– Adding a QR Code to a direct mail will lead to users visiting your website, subscribe to your other channels and interact with your brand on social media channels

– Encouraging offline decisions with SEO can provide valuable information about the target audience. Once the keywords that customers are using are understood, what inspires them to buy the product or brand can be defined and further, offline & online strategies can be planned around that

Integrating Offline and Online Marketing into your branding strategies can very much empower your Business. Let us see how:

imageHaving a great user base on social media channels and a considerable amount of traffic is not enough nowadays. As it has now become important to personalize the social media output unique to the brand. This not only helps in distinguishing the brand in the industry but in also evolving as a thought leader. Therefore, it becomes essential to select social media mediums that offer the best access to the target market, while also inculcating the character emotion into the content as a way of engaging an audience in conversation.

Keeping the brand’s identity alive across all channels is very important. The brand thought needs to be carried across business. So, while integrating the online and offline, one must ensure spreading the brand awareness. One must ensure that a fluid and cohesive brand is established across all outbound materials and publications. A cohesive approach needs to be adopted while marketing any venture.

Marketers and brand managers this year have seen, implemented and come to a conclusion that one of the best ways to market a brand is through an interactive campaign; a campaign that engages consumers through both corporeal and virtual marketing. While technology, social media platforms and mobile media might be used for organizing and facilitating an innovative idea or event, it will also need people to interact with it physically.

Online strategies like: Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Mobile Advertising and Social Media Marketing and Offline strategies like: Corporate Gifts and Promotional Products, Mainstream Media, Business Cards followed by Networking with members of the community are few such techniques to start with and help your brand excel with this fusion!

As they say, with great popularity come great challenges, how do you plan to fuse your next marketing strategies between the offline and online so that the consumer experience is not only good, but an extremely relevant one? How do you think one can leverage their knowledge about each prospect on one channel to turn them into a better customer on the other? Finally, how do you think it can be measured, analyzed and improved? Do share your thoughts with us!

Brands & the Rise of Experiential Marketing

Thursday, July 3rd, 2014

Blog imageDid you step out of the house lately and bump into some interactive installation by some brand? Well, if so, then this can be nearly called as experiential marketing as this is that type of messaging which you can touch, view or feel in a physical space. Yes, it indeed is on the rise, and marketers of all types of brands and products are trying their best to connect with their consumers in person and also digitally through Tweets, YouTube videos, Instagram etc. Marketers and brand managers seem to have shifted their prime focus on building consumer experiences through their marketing efforts. They are encouraging consumers to share their personal experiences with the brand during certain activities, concerts, speaking sessions, followed by their overall brand experiences.

Engaging with audiences beyond physical experiences is what the marketers of this era are looking at. Therefore, they are, through their experiential marketing efforts, targeting, attracting and leveraging as many consumers as possible.

But then, what a brand does to build excitement, drive eagerness and generate traffic reflects in the experience it gives to its audience in the digital space.

Nowadays, what brands do matters a lot more than what they say. Don’t you agree on that?

biWe now live in the digital age where we have an immense number of virtual communities, not ignoring the fact that brands do rely on social media for interacting and engaging with their consumers. But with the need of the hour being breaking through the online marketing clutter, brands need to think beyond the social landscape. They now need to create an online-offline connect by providing with memorable experiences to their consumers.

If thoughtfully planned and strategically executed, experiential marketing has a great potential to improve brand performance and value by producing exciting experiences for consumers leading them to share it on social platforms.

So, in order to amplify your brand’s online presence and create a digital impact with experiential marketing make sure your digital strategy ensures these points:


Do ensure that the quality of the interaction you do with your consumers is not compromised because an experience has a far greater impact as it motivates people to take action. If the interaction is good, then they build relationship with the brand further sharing it online.

Building Relationships

Experiential marketing not just delivers greater responses or impressions, but leads to building deeper relationships with consumers making them feel the connection with the brands. This relationship building mechanism leads to establishing brand advocacy for the brand through online and word of mouth communication.

Breaking the clutter

As the clutter factor is increasing in the digital marketplace, a lot of consumers are becoming resistant to this clutter and are not ready to take this flood of messages. But with experiential marketing, consumers will not just see, but feel and remember your brand message for a very long time. So, brands can break the clutter by offering an experience to their consumers and increasing awareness for their brand.

Customers – Targeting the right ones!

Targeting the right consumers for experiential marketing is the key. As this marketing technique appeals to those ready to take risks and try out new things and learn too. The right consumer will experience the brand, understand its message and walk away with an intention to purchase or atleast share about it online.

Image Source:

Well, there is no doubt about the impact that experiential marketing can have on consumers and their purchase behaviour. Brands that are ready to take up experiential marketing are sure to increase awareness, build loyalty and boost sales for their brand. What do you think about it? Have you tried to create this digital impact with your experiential marketing efforts? Do share your thoughts with us!

The Evolution of Augmented Reality & Brands!

Monday, June 16th, 2014

clip_image002What is Augmented Reality? Augmented Reality is a digital technology that covers images or video over physical objects. AR provides all types of information such as location, visual, audio, heading, and acceleration data, and opens a way for real-time feedback. Augmented Reality bridges the gap between physical or traditional means of advertising and digital experience, in turn empowering brands to engage with their customers and get greater business results in the process. With the active convergence of mobile, social and context, augmented reality can turn out be a great app for sure.

AR lets one use their smartphone or tablet’s camera to see the digital information on top of a physical environment. Hence, it offers digital enhancements to the real world senses of touch, sound, sight, smell and taste. Now let‘s see how augmented reality can be used by businesses. Most brands and businesses can use it for:

  • · Product demos/manuals
  • · Multiple product views
  • · Deals or offers
  • · Interactive social media
  • · Real-time information
  • · Sneak peek beneath the surface
  • · Pitches & Tenders
  • · Online campaigns
  • · Events & Conferences
  • · Point of Sale
  • · Tourism & Leisure
  • You must be wondering that how this augmented reality works? What is found by a basic research is that when compared to traditional marketing, AR marketing works much better. This is because when people touch or interact with a product or a device, they establish an emotional bond with it which makes them more likely to buy it.

AR leads you from a printed advertisement to an offer, from a booth in an exhibition to a Facebook contest, from a retail shop window to a digital market.

How AR works

  • · App and smartphone camera sensors combine reality with virtual overlays
  • · Readers or viewers hold phones in front of a printed area, surface or page
  • · The AR app searches for images and patterns on a server
  • · The App validates image and sends back the associated content

Major sectors using AR

  • · Retail
  • · E-commerce
  • · Real Estate
  • · Industrial Sector
  • · Education and Training
  • · Print and publishing
  • · Location based services

Few brands using AR

brands using AR

Benefits of using Augmented Reality

  • · Greater interactivity
  • · Real-time information
  • · Trackability
  • · The augmented time of the consumer with the service or the product presented for a prolonged period of time
  • · The relationship built through this engagement is long lasting
  • · The efficiency to spread to masses through the digital space
  • · The ability to build a series of actions, updates and campaigns through various applications

Augmented Reality Statistics:

• The total revenue generated from AR was around $300 million in 2013.
• In 2014, around 30% mobile subscribers will use AR at least once in a week.
• In 2014, more than 864 million smartphones will have AR technology enabled.
• By 2016, AR revenue is expected to cross $600 billion.
• It is expected that by 2017 more than 2.5 billion mobile AR apps will to be downloaded


Revenue generation through AR seems to be on a positive rise and is being successfully tried by brands. AR till now has evolved to a great extent and continues to account for infinite downloads. If brands can provide an experience to customers in a variety of locations, it is evident that consumer engagement will increase too. Hence, in this age of digital era and programmatic advertising, Augmented Reality is expected to be very attractive. What do you think? Do share your thoughts in the comments below!

Brands and Digital Media Campaign

Monday, June 2nd, 2014

Blog ImageBy 2016, it is believed that there will be 10 billion mobile connected devices which will exceed the global population of 7.3 billion people on earth. But, reaching these many number of consumes is convoluted. The reason for this is that 20% of all the web traffic is already on mobile (majorly via iphone, ipad or android). As a result of which, we see a lot of apps being developed by brands for engaging with their consumers.


Even consumers spend more time using apps than mobile web. Flash, another element for video playback compatibility is found only on laptops and desktops, not on mobile devices or iphone and ipad for that matter. A lot of mobile devices infact have HTML5. And if you check out, maximum reach always requires Flash, HTML5, Mobile Web and mobile Apps for android and iOS.

Moving on, what was noticed eventually was that viewing videos on social networks grew. As the reach through these various mediums is increasing, now the time is for brands and businesses to monetize it. Yes, we mean generating revenue. It is expected that the number of users watching pay-per-view video on mobile phones and tablets will increase in the coming years. Even television is estimated to add billions of revenue due to digitalization followed by online video advertising.

What we intend to bring to light is the importance of a digital media campaign for brands. This would prove to be the fuel for brands to drive into the minds of their consumers by engaging them through the right path.

Let us see what a framework of a complete digital media campaign holds:

  • The Communication Strategy: This is the blue print of a digital media campaign which focuses or brings to light the specifics methods and mediums that can be used to reach a brand’s target demographic.
  • The Visual Identity: This is the face of any digital campaign, basically it is the visual representation of the campaign message which conveys and also supports that campaign message, visually.
  • Message: It is the heart of a brand’s digital media campaign. It fuels every interaction throughout the campaign and is at the forefront of any digital media campaign.
  • Outreach: Reaching out to the target consumers through communication to convey the campaign message.
  • The next thing is,
    Media Buying: This includes getting the best for your marketing budget when it comes to media based ad purchase.
  • Interactive Media: A successful content management system allows websites to become the centre zone for communications rather than just a static webpage.
  • Interactive Web Portals would also require unique functionality.
  • Social Media: Last but not the least, a successful social media presence is that in which all profiles are kept on brand through custom design profiles and messaging.

Hence, the success of your brand’s digital media campaign will depend on all the above factors combined together to communicate a campaign message, advertising, design, videos and publishing that not only reaches the target audience but creates a lasting impression too!


Have you planned a digital media campaign for your brand yet? What were the most important factors that were a part of your campaign? Do share in your thoughts with us in the comments below!

How Can Brands Leverage Snapchat

Thursday, May 15th, 2014

imageMarketers and brand managers are constantly looking out for new ways to connect with their customers & consequently social and digital media have introduced a variety of communication channels that help them do just that. When we talk about digital media, it goes without saying that digital content needs to be relevant and catchy enough to gain viewer’s attention. Constant experimentation is being done to find out the exclusivity that they can provide with their content. Meaningful, short, unique yet relevant and watchable content is the latest trend and brands are optimistic on experimenting with digital only content in the future as well. Digital content is really a way to go!

With tools like Instagram and Snapchat, will the brands be able to offer this exclusivity to their audiences? Moving on, Snapchat is the latest social media phenomenon. The promptly growing mobile app lets users communicate by sending photos that automatically disappear after a few seconds. But then, can brands overcome the creative challenges and turn disappearing content to their advantage?

The worry underneath lies for brands is that viewers have only one chance to view a Snap which is said to take away the excitement. But, there are times when these Snaps can be replayed during a day which could be useful for brands using the app. Snap

Advantages of using Snapchat:
· It allows drawing or writing on photos and videos
· Space is not an issue
· Image is temporary
· User-friendly
· Attention grabbing

Limitations or challenges of using Snapchat:
· Snapchat does not allow marketers to improve the quality of image before they send out as it lacks editing capabilities
· It does not provide space for marketers to add text to their messages as its visually driven
· Fans and audiences won’t be able to find you on Snapchat until they add you as a friend
· Metrics, yes, Snapchat offers zero metrics due to the lack of in-app metrics. this does not allow you to track the credibility of your campaign

Well, depending on your brand’s demographics, it is indeed a great challenge to evolve with Snapchat. And guess what, brands are into it already snapping to glory! Though, brands which are majorly looking to target younger audience are using this app.

Few Examples of Brands in the Snapchat Bandwagon are:

Taco Bell used Snapchat to announce the release of it ‘Beefy Crunch Burrito’. All the users who had added Taco Bell as a friend were sent a ‘Snap’ of Burrito along with the release date of the new product.

Tbell1   Tbell2

Taco Bell also used its presence on other social media platforms effectively to spread the word about its Snapchat profile. Taco Bell was the first brand to use Snapchat’s stories feature through which it released a series of eight photos and videos. With Snapchat Stories feature brands can merge multiple snaps to create a story that remains visible for 24 hours.

See what Mc Donalds is doing on Snapchat

Also, Mashable mentions the top 8 brands rocking Snapchat. Have a look!

Ways brands can use Snapchat

imageThough there are not many a brands doing much on Snapchat but, a selected few are taking this app by storm and using it in their digital strategy to reach the masses. A couple of things that they are doing through Snapchat are:

  • · Introducing new products
  • · Asking immediate action or reaction
  • · Hosting Games/Contests
  • · Inviting fans to participate
  • · Share candid or behind the scene moments
  • · Show something rare like, limited edition offers, coupons & discounts
  • · Get creative with targeted videos (share a unique story by linking two-three videos in succession)
  • · Use celebs
  • · Incorporate other channels
  • · Use the Snapchat features like draw, type, time, temperature etc. and also add filters
  • · Share Snapchat stories
  • · Give a sneak peek into exclusive brand content
  • · Use it do some fun
  • · Introducing new team member or employee

ROI: Brands need to be prepared to measure the brand lift with the use of Snapchat. What needs to be kept track of is impressions, awareness and demographics. Snapchat like most of the social media platforms is based on relationship building.

See how Snapchat has added a few new features and how brands can capitalize on the same. Even also mentions this news from Snapchat.

While Snapchat is still trying to add more features and monetize this platform, brands have an immense opportunity to establish themselves as ‘ahead of the game’ and reach their demographics. In order to do a Snapchat campaign brands just need a creative strategy as it is both cost effective and easy to implement. One has to be creative on Snapchat, always and persistently and push the limits of creativity. Getting results though is not going to be a one day affair as relationships take time. One has to plan, measure and then work towards lifting their brand through Snapchat. What do you think? Can brands pull off Snapchatting Successfully? Do share your thoughts in the comments below.

Mobile Marketing Strategies & Brands – The Big Connection!

Friday, May 2nd, 2014

smartphone-with-icons-and-handPeople are nowadays spending a larger fraction of their time on mobile phones. The new world of marketing now stands on the terms like SEO, smartphones, geo-location, mobile sites, digital and social marketing. Also, as the attention span of people is decreasing and their need of getting everything with a click of button is escalating, marketers and brand managers are also testing new tactics to reach their customers. Technologies emerging in the mobile space are sure to help brands leverage their identity by reaching out to a much larger audience and that too across the globe.

Of the World’s 4 billion mobile phones in use, 1.08 billion are smartphones and around 3.05 billion are SMS enabled. It is believed that this year mobile internet should take over desktop internet usage. Mobile revolution is here!

As the use of mobiles is increasing, their adaptability is also growing. From search to research, everything is happening on this device.

What is the state of social and mobile media marketing?

In a report by Microsoft tag,

  • · 1/3rd of Facebook’s 600 plus users use Facebook Mobile
  • · 50% of Twitters 165 million users use twitter mobile
  • · YouTube has over 200 million users and YouTube views occur on mobiles everyday
  • · 30% of smartphone owners accessed social networks through mobiles
  • · Women between the age group of 35-54 are the most active when it comes to socializing via mobile

Many brands and businesses have already entered the mobile development and many are still thinking. What they need to understand is that mobile is the new territory of business. Brands are already planning their strategies well keeping in mind the mobile marketing tactics.

What about you? Have you started doing it yet? If not, then maybe you are late as it is where your customers are these days. This is indeed the year of mobile!

  • · Most brands and businesses are new to mobile marketing and those using it have not been in for more than a year
  • · Many are not aware whether a mobile marketing strategy will benefit their brand and business
  • · A lot of them do not know if they can measure the ROI on mobile marketing
  • · In most cases, time, money and knowledge about mobile marketing is what they are lacking
  • · Step one to mobile marketing is a mobile website and many brands and businesses do have their websites optimized for mobile visitors though

The big fact is that if your customers are not confined to their homes, then why should your marketing be? The time to break the silence and refresh your marketing mix with mobile marketing is here.

Moving on, there are a few types of mobile marketing that you need to keep in mind while crafting a mobile marketing strategy. They are:

Mobile Website Design

imageMobile devices, like smartphones & tablet computers have smaller screens. Hence, many regular websites are not readable on mobile devices. Mobile website specially designed to display on a mobile device is vital for reaching mobile customers.

App-Based Mobile Marketing

imageMobile apps have mushroomed lately and are extensively used in marketing. the ads are hosted within the  application design and consist of virtual machines, widgets and applications enhancing the user experiences.

Mobile Image/Banner Ads

imageThese are just like the standard banner ads for web pages but are small enough to fit the mobile screen sizes.

Mobile Surveys

imageJust like online surveys help marketers improve their marketing efforts. Mobile surreys can also be done for those on the go. This helps in getting instant responses from customers at anytime from anywhere.

SMS (text messaging)image

This involves sending a text messages for marketing to the customers using mobile phones. These marketing messages can include an offer, link to your website, promotional code, discounts etc. For SMS marketing it is very essential to have a mobile website which is responsive in design.

QR Codes (quick responsive barcodes) image

These are those patterned squares that have been quite visible since quite some time now at various places and mediums. QR Codes can be easily scanned by any mobile device with a camera or a QR code reader application. The customer can get all the information on promotions, business information, and so on. This gives businesses a powerful way to drive traffic to stores and mobile websites. QR Codes can be incorporated in business cards, flyers, ads and in your email signature

Voice Marketing image

This is the type of marketing in which the voice broadcasting calls numbers from a computerized list and plays a recorded message to the customer

Mobile Videoimage

Mobile videos are the most powerful types of this form of marketing adding a personal touch to the marketing messages. The video created should be mobile optimized.

Pay-Per-Call or Click-to-Call

imageIn this type of marketing, the user can directly click or tap the number on the mobile ad for which he will not be charged. After this, the customer will be lead to an automated pre-recorded message, a customer care representative or the location for which the number was given.


imageBluetooth marketing is the one in which the mobile device links into a hotspot with an access to a high transfer speed. It is normally, free of charge and can be used in shops/exhibitions in order to promote the products/services.

Moving on, brands can also:

  • imageEncourage Check-ins amongst their customers by persuading them to use Foursquare, Google+ location sharing and offer incentives to them for checking in, including discounts, special recognition and gifts.
  • Grow their e-mail list through a mobile device by texting people and asking people to join an app that directly integrates with your brand’s e-mail marketing program, business card scanning app, QR Code etc.
  • Join a few Mobile Directories and directory listings should include a simple description of your services, phone number, hours of operation, address and a link to your website.

Hence, the mobile landscape will continue to grow with the reforms in the content marketing in the coming days. There’s something interesting you need to know, we are sure you know that already but, the six elements of mass media print, cinema, radio, television, recordings and television are followed by the seventh element which is ‘Mobile’. All these are called mass media elements as they reach masses.

Then what is about the Mobile? Well, its capability of doing everything that the other elements could do make it stand out and accurate.

Not only mobile marketing is the fastest growing marketing method, but it also has a potential to help brands implement the same strategies as used in internet marketing techniques. Therefore, businesses and brands should consider this medium in times to come! So, what are your thoughts on this blooming marketing technique? Have you gone mobile yet? Do share your comments with us!

Social & Digital Media: Key Trends in 2014

Wednesday, April 16th, 2014

imageBrands are now getting serious with the way they can build human connections with their customers through the wealth of data that social media can provide. Consumers nowadays spend more time in front of their digital screens, thus the agencies, advertisers and brand managers should look towards crafting digital strategies for brands. For this, they should not only look into the current trends in the social and digital media landscape, but also understand how these trends will shape up in the times to come. This article will tell you how you can increase your customer loyalty amidst the changing trends this year.

Few things you need to know are:

Social Listening

imageNot only thoughts, but grievances are also being reported on social media by consumers nowadays. When something like this happens, there is no scope of ignorance of customer service by brands. They have to listen to them through what one can call as ‘Social Listening’, or in other words, paying attention to what people are talking about them on Facebook, Twitter etc. 22% marketers were already using social listening strategies in 2013 & thus, 24% plan to do so in 2014 as well. This clearly indicates that brands are still finding out how social listening is working in their favor as out of these, only 31% feel that their social listening is effective.

Effect of Social Listening

On marketers: Brands will be able to interact directly with consumers
On users: Brands will now listen, understand & respond quickly & strategically to consumer queries & thoughts

Social Advertising

imageAdvertising spends by brands is already segmented on the Internet. Though television used to share the larger share of advertising dollars, brands have now realized the power of leveraging social media ads in a cost effective way to build business. 57% of marketers used social ads in 2013 and another 23% are expected to start using the ads in 2014.

Effect of Social Advertising

On Marketers: Brands will get a cost effective & clutter free way of engaging customers
On Users: Users will now be able to see not just posts but Facebook sponsored stories

Data-based Marketing

imageBrands are gathering lots of data from different places and trying to use it to market in a smarter way. This is because, unlike the traditional methods of advertising, social advertising offers real time analytics on the effectiveness of your campaigns. This is why brands & businesses would be able to spend money on Facebook-sponsored post for example, and then measure its effect before changing the campaign a week later. This leads to a marketing fueled by data.

Effect of Data-based Marketing

On Marketers: Brands will be able to take advantages of opportunities
On Users: Users will have more access to unique content & not just commercial messages

Pictures will be a better marketing tool

imageNowadays, people hardly have enough time to spare. Hence, they are being attracted towards content that they can comprehend within a short time. Social media platforms are taking it all higher with an enormous emphasis on visual content. Compared to the original internet ads, today users come across more visually driven, eye-catching content. Instagram is indeed growing and giving a scope to people to filter & beautify their images online. Thus, visual social media is surely going to be a boon for brands!

Effect on Marketers: Marketers will have to find newer ways to catch attention like graphic advertisements, catchy banners, images and Infographics

Effect on Users: Users will get more information in a short time span

Social Media integration with business

imageDespite the fact that 78% companies have a committed social media team, yet just 26% of companies out of them integrate social media into their business strategies completely. Therefore, the time when brands learn to do this, it is then when they will unlock the potential of social media to grow and transform social media fans into loyal brand enthusiasts.

Effect on Marketers: Marketers must connect the social data to other enterprise data sources to deliver actionable insights

Effect on Users: Social platforms will become more rewarding in terms of social engagement

Social data will guide the future of relationship intelligence

imageInformation from social sites, campaigns or other customer interactions will be used to effectively monitor and engage audiences. Brands will be able to leverage the data from the way people interact with their brands on social media. As marketers start paying more attention to what their online communities care about, their real-life products will become increasingly relevant to their customers.

Effect on Marketers: Brands will focus on unique campaigns that focus on bringing online content to the real world
Effect on Users: Brands will need to listen what the community cares about

Engaging customers both online and offline

imageBrands in future, will take advantage of both online and offline means to reach out to the audience. Social media is a space where one does not only spend his/her time online, but also shares thoughts and extends interactions with others. Therefore, brands are taking a leap ahead to develop ways to move online campaigns into the real world and use these human connections to augment customer’s experiences with their products. Brands in this manner extend their online personalities into the real world through live events, livestreams, reality shows, giveaways etc. to name a few.

Effect on Marketers: Brands will focus on unique campaigns that focus on bringing online content to the real world

Effect on Users: Brands will need to listen what the community cares about


Well, how the world of social networking will shape up is a thing to watch out for in times to come. These trends are likely to come true because they are the true state of social networking progression these days. One can definitely look forward to things becoming more interactive and personal. What are your thoughts on this? What else do you think could come of the future? Do you have any predictions of your own? Do feel free to share them with us in the comments below! #KeepChiming