Archive for September, 2014

Mobile Marketing: The Next Big Thing to Capitalize On!

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014

imageAs the days are passing by, more and more innovations are happening. And these innovations bring along, an array of opportunities for all the mediums that brands can integrate into their marketing strategy. Among these, one of the most evolving mediums now is ‘Mobile’. Most of you would agree on this as Mobile advertising now, is not only considered as the second screen by most brand evangelists, but is also being looked upon for capitalization.

As mentioned earlier, mobile is one of the fastest growing platforms for commerce and keeps the consumers informed at all times, even when they are on the go. It helps consumers to stay in touch with brands and businesses, informed about purchases and also the deals and offers at that time.

Today, everybody has a mobile device, be it a smartphone or a tablet. And undoubtedly the number of mobile device owners is growing year by year making the brand managers, advertisers and marketers re-think their marketing strategy and see how they can capitalize on this.

Having a mobile enabled and ready site really helps in terms of portability and reach. Hence, marketers should capitalize on these changes in the technology and craft their strategies in a more effective way. Mobile Marketing is here to stay and all set to reach its target audience in the most engaging ways.

imageWell, its about time too. Considering the way digital innovations are happening, mobile marketing is soon to catch the pace and will not only be a competitive advantage for brands, but a survival strategy too. What do you think?

Talking about survival, one has to keep in mind the essentials of creativity in mobile marketing. Creativity is indeed the soul of any type of marketing or advertising as it makes a difference to brands in a lot of ways.

Well, creativity is not the only thing required for fitting everything into a mobile screen. The challenge lies in conveying your brand message in a way that only a mobile phone can, leading to an interactive experience and consumer engagement.

Build a responsive site and benefit from a fully reactive website design. With a responsive site one will not have to create two separate sites. Also, the design adjusts itself to the screen various sizes according to the devices. There is no need to re-direct links to let the mobile users view the correct version of the website. Most importantly, the SEO rankings shoot up

Bill Rogers, Ekton CEO, on these innovations happening said at Internet World, this is “the future of web design.”

One should ensure the images should resize automatically else it can ruin the mobile experience for users. Also there should be n compromise in the quality of images used. Websites, campaigns, e-mails etc. shared by brand should be made mobile friendly.


Using Geo-location and Targeting can be really helpful in delivering a great service. Doing this can help the brands to prompt the closest location of a store etc. to the user. Latest offers, discount coupons and information about deals sent on a mobile device can lead the consumer towards the brand too.

Another method is to use the phone’s information to personalize the complete experience. But this may seem a little tricky due to privacy issues. However, by using the web cookies you can tailor your site or mobile app to be responsive to what customers are searching for.

Check out this image that clearly displays the effectiveness of mobile marketing based on a few important statistical studies:


The transitions happening in the strategizing by brands are immense. With mobile technology on the rise, disconnect between the brands and consumers is unlikely. Brand managers are gearing up to mobile and bridging the gap between strategy and implementation. Though mobile marketing is comparatively a very new medium, brands that can crack it, stand to gain. Have you ever imagined the profit a brand can gain on reaching out to the target audience through a mobile that he/she carries along all times of the day? One cannot just ignore the real-time connect, context-based advertising and interactions that can be generated from mobile marketing. Do share your thoughts in the comments below!

Bloggerati of the fortnight: Bhumika Thakkar

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014

imageCurrent Position and Organization:
Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary, Certified Financial Manager, Blogger
Educational Background:
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Blog Name:



Bhumika Thakkar is a Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary and a Certified Financial Manager by profession but a Beauty, Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger by passion. Based out of Mumbai, she is blogging since almost 4 years now. Bhumika’s love for makeup, skin, fashion and all things pretty inspired her to come up with her blog Its basically an Indian Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog that covers posts on makeup brands, skincare brands and outfit posts. She loves reading, dancing, networking and hanging out with her friends and also hoarding makeup.

In her blog, one can check reviews, swatches, read about latest launches, new products in the market, event updates, Bhumika’s hauls, makeup, outfit posts and her collection of shoes, bags and her love for accessories. She blogs about everything related to skin care, makeup, product reviews of different brands, various tips and tricks, fashion , news, etc.

It’s a beautiful blog indeed that covers everything about beauty, makeup and fashion. She has crafted it in a way that attracts a lot of readers and beauty professionals to her blog.

The latest and upcoming, new trends related to beauty, fashion, makeup and product reviews that she shares through her blog everytime for her readers & beauty & fashion industry enthusiasts across, entitles her to be our Bloggerati.

Click here to read more about our Bloggerati series.