Archive for March, 2012

In the pink of health on social media

Thursday, March 22nd, 2012

HIPAA-PhotoWhile medical marketing is something which needs to follow a lot of guidelines and regulations, health awareness and patient engagement are possible areas where social media can be employed. With exploding usage of social media, a time where your doctor’s twitter handle is part of your emergency kit is not far away.

A real case in point being that of a simple tweet from a user suffering a heart attack that led to hundreds of tweeter responding to it and guiding him on how to stabilize himself before paramedics could reach him. With unlimited resource available on the internet, help can be only a tweet away.

While internationally lot of pharmaceutical companies along with prominent hospital chains have taken to social media, in India the scene is little different. Not many pharmaceutical companies have really taken the plunge. Although it must be said that the legal aspect of pharmaceutical marketing could be a barrier yet there is still a lot of scope for them to explore social media like their multinational counterparts.

On the other hand, for super specialty hospital chains armed with a marketing plan like any other FMCG company coming up in India, the scope of using social media platform is good. In fact, Apollo Hospitals already has a Facebook page with more than 58000 people while Max Healthcare Hospitals group has some 57000 people on its page.

The areas where social media can be majorly playing a part are:

  1. Awareness
  2. Fund raising
  3. Helpline and assistance

Building Awareness

With more and more people logging on to the internet in search of authentic information, social networking platforms are fast becoming the research center for any subject. Keeping this in mind, hospitals across the world have realized the need of educating people about primary healthcare methods hoping that this would build a loyalty towards the institution if and when the need arises.

An example of this can be seen on Max Healthcare fan page that utilizes videos to provide information about healthcare to be taken during pregnancy during late 30s. Such critical information might not be available directly, hence, the it becomes critical for an authentic source like Max Healthcare to provide it.

Preg 1
Max Healthcare Video Series

Internationally Johnson & Johnson has a YouTube network channel JNJHealth with a video library of over 500 videos and over 6 million views. The channel is sub categorized in to various aspects that dwell on better understanding of health issues. With user based stories forming a major part of the library, the emotional connect that the channel brings in is incredible.

Johnson and Johnson Healthcare YouTube network

Another route explored internationally for building awareness is the live tweeting of surgeries from prominent hospitals. While this may sound very frivolous to general audience, it is amazingly high value information sharing that the medical students can look towards in order to understand complex procedures.

Live surgery
TwitPic shared during an open hearth surgery at Houston Hospital

Organizing Fund Raisers

Medical fund raisers are always an issue. While many would spend thousands on a trip, few would come out to provide to the local hospitals. This is a problem not just in our country, but across the globe. UCSF Benioff children’s hospital in San Francisco came up with an innovative plan to get the community support in fund raising.

In association with University of California, it ran an eight week fund raising campaign in association with and Facebook. Several Silicon Valley stalwarts along with celebrities like Ashton Kutcher and MC Hammer, who used their twitter network to spread the word, lent their support.

Teams were made of followers and supporters, put together by selected leaders who formed the groups through their personal networks and then competed against each other for the grand prize of getting to name a prominent section of the hospital.

The UCSF Benioff Children’s hospital had already amassed $375 million towards the estimated $600 million when last reported. It not only shows that people are willing to help when approached in correct manner but also that find raising need not always be a pleading process. All one needs is a creative plan that is well executed through proper channels.

UCSF Facebook driving the fund raiser

Helping Handle

Like any other brand that has used twitter, hospitals and medical service providers are looking at using Twitter as a real time helpline that can address the patients’ emergency call. The idea can be extended in case of accidents where reaching doctors or hospitals would be difficult. In such case tweeting out for help and having a hospital respond to your call would act as a major assistance.

Although such a major helpline has yet not been setup, a rough estimate shows that already about 500 hospitals are on Twitter in United States of America alone. In India, major hospitals have setup their twitter accounts. With a little more planning and careful monitoring, a helpline setup can be easily put in place.

Getting healthy, socially

While another aspect that can be touched upon is the creation of online communities where people can come and share their experience, this is one area that many practitioners are not very keen on. The simple reason being that, while sharing your experience can give a lot of courage to someone going through the same illness, the conditions may be very different and hence the treatment plan. If not supervised properly this could well cause a complication. Although, if a monitoring and supervision module is put in place, this alone is one field that medical fraternity can look towards in order to raise awareness.

Social media is a way of life for most people in today’s date. It is not something that will fade away. If only, it will get more integrated in our lives and thus, leading to more and closer association to our everyday living. Thus, hospitals and medical institution should look at integrating this channel in their overall 360 degree marketing campaigns.

Bloggerati of the Fortnight: Dr. Kumaresh Krishnamoorthy

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

KumareshHealthcare facilities and pharmaceutical products are a very touchy area for most marketing specialists, especially when it comes to advertising and promoting them. Talking about various developments in the field of medicine, hospitals and healthcare however, is not.

Dr. Kumaresh Krishnamoorthy, who dons many hats when it comes to his illustrious career, is currently a Senior Consultant in ENT and head and neck surgery, Neurotology and Cochlear Implantation at Nova Medical Centers, Bengaluru. Besides, he is also a visiting consultant at the Apollo Hospitals.

Dr. Krishnamoorthy explores the world of healthcare by sharing some valuable tips and information about various medical conditions, procedures, treatments et al alongside his other updates on his blog with special focus on his area of expertise. For a medical student or someone with an interest in the field of medicine this blog is quite a repository of handy details with an outlook that is akin to that of a medical journal. Ofcourse, it also has Dr. Krishnamoorthy’s personal tryst with various other topics, directly or indirectly related to medicine and his experiences. A few of them are even testimonials of his proven credibility.

The blog also contains images that are linked to his Facebook and Google+ page of various medical treatments and ailments alongside addressing the latest developments that are happening around the world, not necessarily restricted to just medical affairs. Dr. Krishnamoorthy’s blog, although a specific industry-centric one, has definitely made it a point to prove that a doctor by profession does not necessarily need to always talk hospitals, drugs and health but also have a wholesome grip of other aspects of surrounding conditions and situations that go into creating a healthy living scenario. All this entitles him to be featured as our Bloggerati of the fortnight.

Time to get in the line

Friday, March 9th, 2012

TimelineSo the timeline for brands is finally here. After months of speculation about what all will it bring with it, we now know that the platform is all set to undergo another major shift in communication pattern. Emphasis will now be on visual creative and storytelling. We analyze the changes that the platform will see in this article.

Getting Covered

The most noticeable change that anyone would see is the huge space that is going to be available right on top of the page to put up a cover photo. The size of the cover photo is 810×350 pixels. In a way, this is the largest available space that Facebook has ever given a brand to reach out to their audience.

Cover Photo (click on the image to enlarge it)

While this is a big real estate for advertising, Facebook has not allowed brands to have any calls to action in your cover photo. You can’t tell people to like or share your page or have any contact information at all, including your web address, phone number or mailing address.

The highlight of the change

The timeline has also brought about a major alteration in content distribution. The content is now spread in to two columns rather than one single stack up. This means a side by side post will let you prolong your post life a little bit longer than before. Also, all post by people on the page gets segregated into one block which comes on the top most part of the right column.

Highlighted Post (click on the image to enlarge it)

Not only that, like with cover photos, Facebook has now given you the ability to emphasize your story telling with bigger picture. So now, if you want a particular post to garner more views and appear more striking on the page, simply highlight it and the image and the post will spread across the two columns of the page, giving you one big eye catching post.

On pins and needles without landing tab

Yes. You read that right. The landing tab has been eliminated from the new design. The face of the campaign pages, the launch page for competitions and application does not get a look in the new design. What you do get instead is a pinned post.

Pinned post is nothing but a normal post, ideally with a campaign launch creative, which can be pinned to the top of the page. Through this option, this creative will get the top post slot for a period of seven days. The idea is that while you may not be able to get people to land on a particular tab, you can make them notice the main campaign first up. The pinned post comes with a small orange tag on the right top corner.

 pinnedPinned Post

This could have been put up on the cover page but then with cover page restriction of no call to action and no communication, that idea gets tossed out. Thus, this makes the pinned post the only alternative for a landing tab.

Every milestone counts

Facebook has always wanted people to document their life by sharing posts, videos and photos. Even relationships and friendships are highlighted in the personal profile. That is what Facebook has brought to the brand timeline.

Documenting the progress of the brand through milestones. The day the brand came in to existence, that new office, the 100th employee or the letter of appreciation from a famous customer. Facebook wants the brands to narrate those things to its audience. Make it more human than ever before. Audience of the page can directly navigate to a particular year via the timeline.

milestoneThis is quite literally, Facebook’s way of telling the brand managers to stop worrying about the numbers on the page but building a strong brand. Bring out the history and the emotions associated with the brand before you go looking for the ROI.

Tab dancing

With the new two column layout, the new tab has lost out majorly. The list of tabs and application that was there below the profile picture now gets lost. And almost become invisible. Though they have been moved right under the cover photo, there is a restriction of only 4 tabs to be visible while the rest get demoted into a drop down.


Amongst those 4 visible ones, the first one is always going to be that for photos. That leaves only 3 visible tabs for your competitions, applications, likes, notes and all that you want to do. So what will be needed is a more planned approach to launch of applications and campaigns. Making sure that there is no overlap so that each campaign can get a proper display in the tabs.

Tab Size
New Tab Size (click on the image to enlarge it)

Once on the tab, the creative space that the tab gets is now 810 pixels as compare to 510 before. This means there is a lot more space for you to put images and copy. A good brand would use this intelligently.

The Backend

Another change with the Timeline is the location of the Insights. You can now access them by clicking on the Admin Panel in the upper right corner. The Admin Panel has much different navigation than before, but everything appears to be there. From the Admin Page, you can also invite your email contacts, invite friends, share your page and create an ad from the Build Audience drop-down menu.

Insight (click on the image to enlarge it)

One of the capabilities will be to easily request a name change for your page. This name change is the title of your page, not the custom URL you may have set for your page. Great news for people who have changed their company branding, have had a misspelling in the name or have other tweaks they have wanted to make.

Messages                            Messages

Pages will also have the ability to receive messages from fans. The Message feature can be turned on or off from the Manage Permissions area of the Admin Dashboard. Messages can only be initiated by a fan—they cannot be initiated by the page to a fan. The page can reply to the message sent.

Reaching Out

The ads have got a makeover. They will be larger and come in form of Reach Generator and Premium on Facebook. The Reach Generator is designed to reach more of your existing fans than you currently are reaching through the news feed. Premium on Facebook is designed to distribute your stories to new connections and will be shown on the right side of the home page, in the news feed, in mobile streams and when someone logs out of Facebook. Beta testing has shown that the reach for these products through in line feed push can go up to as high as 80 to 90% of total estimated reach.

With Reach generator, the posts on the wall will be used to reach the audience. That means a higher engagement can be expected through this paid mechanism. This makes the job of page admin that much more important as s/he would need to decide which post should be best used for such a campaign.

In the pipeline

While these are the major changes that have happened as of now, few more features would surely be added in the new system soon. This includes Facebook offers. Facebook Offers are like Facebook Deals on steroids. The post is sent through the news feeds of your fans, which is much more visible. There are easy ways to share the Offer, both through the post itself and then when the Offer is claimed. Fans get the Offer by clicking the Get Offer link

Fan Gating, another standard feature in pre timeline era used to get people to like the page, is currently missing. This is something most experts believe will soon be brought back since it forms a part of loyalty program.

Changes to Facebook have always made brands nervous along with their agencies. But this time around, the nervousness is more about the things that have been dropped out rather than the ones that have been added. But it is clear from all these changes that Facebook wants the brands to build brands on its real estate rather than sell.

Bloggerati of the Fortnight: Captain Anup Murthy

Thursday, March 1st, 2012

anup murthyAviation industry is probably one of those sectors that amalgamate tourism, hospitality and infrastructure industries within one hot furnace and accounts for a major chunk of the world’s economic churn out. In a manner of speaking, Captain Anup Murthy, our Blogger of the Fortnight, who has over 25 years of experience in the field of aviation, has justifiably contributed to this ever growing sector in ways more than one.

Captain Murthy is an avid traveler who likes touching upon places and leaving a mark upon various soils. Currently, he is the Director at Jeteezy Pte Limited that specializes in aviation consulting, aircraft sales, charter flights and other aviation related advisory services.

Murthy takes time out to write his blog,, which he sees more as his online diary. It is a way to talk about his many sojourns and hold conversations besides sharing his perspective on aviation, travel and socio-economic situations across locations he has traveled to. His blog gives a glimpse into the life of an aviator.

Most posts in the blog are well etched out, complete and resourceful with ample amount of photographs and videos that are either self shot or gathered from trusted sources that give genuine information. Blogs such as ‘100 Years of aviation in Singapore’ are a brilliant insight to how aviation industry has grown. Also his blogs on aviation shows and world war II hangers give the blog a holistic range.

In a first person narrative, Murthy documents his experience of stay, right from when he reaches till he leaves the place; all along the way, sharing any information that he thinks could be of help to the reader or a potential tourist seeking vital but lesser available info.

The style of writing is intrinsically fictional, where most posts appear to be in a form of a tale of the traveler. The blog is quite compelling a read if one is into long haul tales from the distant exotic lands if you ask us. For those who share our inkling towards such blog tales, we strongly recommend our Bloggerati of the fortnight, Captain Anup Murthy.

To read more from our blogger of the fortnight series, click here.