Posts Tagged ‘baking’

Bloggerati of the Fortnight: Aparna Balasubramanian

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

AparnaCurrent Position and Organisation:
Stay at home mother; Blogger and Freelance Photographer
Areas of Expertise:
Blogging; Food Photography and Styling; Black &White Photography; Interior/Exterior Photography; Street Photography
Blog Name: Mydiversekitchen

For those with a gastronomic bent of mind and a penchant to capture the finer things in life, food and photography is perhaps a match made in heaven. Aparna Subramanian’s blog is a visual delight for all and a must-visit for any vegetarian. There is an occasional sprinkling of posts on baking that she had a long time fascination with and as she puts it out herself, one might be forgiven to mistaken it for a baking blog.

As the blog title suggests, most posts are usually supplemented with a high-quality photograph of the dish/preparation along with the recipe, wherever applicable. Aparna’s virtual kitchen began as an attempt to showcase her family’s traditional Palakkad Iyer cuisine to the world and although it has grown to embrace multiple cuisines over time, it has been able to maintain the vegetarian culture to it.

Aesthetically, the blog is well laid out with images and words forming a cohesive web of unique reading experience. The title to the posts is catchy and keywords are marked in bold. Due references are made to sources that have been cited. It shouldn’t come as a surprise why this blog has been adorned with a multitude of awards and recognitions. To make sharing simple for those who wish to, a whole array of widgets are conveniently placed towards the end.

If one carefully sifts through the blog posts, it’s evident that Aparna has devoted a lot of time and energy in taking the reader through her creations; at times even relating to history that provides depth to the narrative. Most posts have elements of her personal journey and learning that she effortlessly blends into the art of storytelling which makes for a wholesome reading. We consider it an honour to recognise her efforts and give her the title of our Bloggerati of the Fortnight.

Click here to read more about our Bloggerati of the Fortnight series.