Brands and Digital Media Campaign

Blog ImageBy 2016, it is believed that there will be 10 billion mobile connected devices which will exceed the global population of 7.3 billion people on earth. But, reaching these many number of consumes is convoluted. The reason for this is that 20% of all the web traffic is already on mobile (majorly via iphone, ipad or android). As a result of which, we see a lot of apps being developed by brands for engaging with their consumers.


Even consumers spend more time using apps than mobile web. Flash, another element for video playback compatibility is found only on laptops and desktops, not on mobile devices or iphone and ipad for that matter. A lot of mobile devices infact have HTML5. And if you check out, maximum reach always requires Flash, HTML5, Mobile Web and mobile Apps for android and iOS.

Moving on, what was noticed eventually was that viewing videos on social networks grew. As the reach through these various mediums is increasing, now the time is for brands and businesses to monetize it. Yes, we mean generating revenue. It is expected that the number of users watching pay-per-view video on mobile phones and tablets will increase in the coming years. Even television is estimated to add billions of revenue due to digitalization followed by online video advertising.

What we intend to bring to light is the importance of a digital media campaign for brands. This would prove to be the fuel for brands to drive into the minds of their consumers by engaging them through the right path.

Let us see what a framework of a complete digital media campaign holds:

  • The Communication Strategy: This is the blue print of a digital media campaign which focuses or brings to light the specifics methods and mediums that can be used to reach a brand’s target demographic.
  • The Visual Identity: This is the face of any digital campaign, basically it is the visual representation of the campaign message which conveys and also supports that campaign message, visually.
  • Message: It is the heart of a brand’s digital media campaign. It fuels every interaction throughout the campaign and is at the forefront of any digital media campaign.
  • Outreach: Reaching out to the target consumers through communication to convey the campaign message.
  • The next thing is,
    Media Buying: This includes getting the best for your marketing budget when it comes to media based ad purchase.
  • Interactive Media: A successful content management system allows websites to become the centre zone for communications rather than just a static webpage.
  • Interactive Web Portals would also require unique functionality.
  • Social Media: Last but not the least, a successful social media presence is that in which all profiles are kept on brand through custom design profiles and messaging.

Hence, the success of your brand’s digital media campaign will depend on all the above factors combined together to communicate a campaign message, advertising, design, videos and publishing that not only reaches the target audience but creates a lasting impression too!


Have you planned a digital media campaign for your brand yet? What were the most important factors that were a part of your campaign? Do share in your thoughts with us in the comments below!


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2 Responses to “Brands and Digital Media Campaign”

  1. Hemanchi says:

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  2. Nikita Virdi says:

    Thanks Hemanchi for appreciating the Blog.
    Do keep coming back for more such interesting articles 🙂

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