Future Predictions For Social Media in 2014! (Part 1)

imageAs 2013 comes to a close with just a fortnight remaining, its great to know how digital and social media continue to evolve as the greatest platforms. It therefore turns out to be exciting to see what surprises it holds in the next year and how businesses, brands and marketing landscapes would change in 2014. Keeping a few potential trends of the forthcoming year in mind will not only make you aware but will also help you prepare for them.

There have been studies and researches demonstrating the fact that growth of brands and businesses will depend on social media marketing on a larger basis. Social media, which is still maturing & evolving, needs to be understood completely by brands. This is one of the reasons why it is important to focus on future opportunities and upcoming trends. 2014 will witness social media as the game changer for brands across the world.

There are a lot of things that we thought would shape up the social media space next year. Read the article to know what we are talking about.

imageThere won’t be any specific social media managerial role, in fact those already into these roles will evolve as experts in the field, spreading the gospel of social media everywhere. As it’s already seen that social media has become a major part of everybody’s life now. Even most of the jobs will look for those who use social media in some or the other way.

Will schools also, like recruiters, look into the social profiles of candidates? image
The reply is, yes! If a candidate will not have a relevant social media profile he or she might get rejected. The reason is the rise of social media as a core skill requirement. Teachers have already and will in 2014 continue teaching the online etiquettes and equip the students with all the knowledge of entering the digital & social media world. It will therefore become a part of their curriculum. Soon we will have students who will be taught social media, how to build a social media strategy and all the social media marketing and business tactics.

imageThose days of old ways of advertising will be a passé. 2014 will witness social media ads roping in with great innovation and challenge. Apart from just being present on the social media platforms, social ads are comparatively more effective and engaging. Promoted ads, tweets and posts are considered to have greater reach level. Advertising on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have already taken off successfully till date and will continue to explode into this space in 2014 too; inviting a great level of attention. This industry is already worth billions and is sure to garner higher revenues in times to come.

What is more exciting with the end of this year is that now a major portion of the masses owns a smartphone; which naturally opens the doors for social ads. Social ads are said to be more effective than traditional ways of advertising, as they take no space at all and fit perfectly into mobile screens in terms of viewing.

2014 is sure to get fuelled with one thing undoubtedly, and that is – Video!

imageYes, we are going to have a generation that relaxes on a couch, in front of a TV, watching videos on YouTube in their mobile phones. People are now keen on watching online videos than watching what is being broadcasted on the television. They love to watch & then later share it with their friends online.

This year saw Instagram which became very popular among the youth, also coming up with its newly launched video features.

2014, therefore holds larger potential into this space. For instance, remember the recent news where Facebook’s attempt to take in Snapchat for a whopping $3 billion took place and failed? Snapchat is a social network that allows users to share short video clips with text and images. It lasts for a few seconds and is very famous among the users mostly aged between 13 and 25.

Videos have a great ability to communicate the message to the viewers in a very powerful way. Short & crisp videos are and will be very strongly shared across online platforms by people. Many brands have already and many will be considering videos as an important part of their marketing strategy. Therefore, coming year would definitely see brand and businesses evolving with the power of videos.

Employees with a sound social media background will be the first choice of companies in 2014. imageConnection with employees would be strongly built through social media which will involve interactions, discussions and feedbacks etc. Therefore, 2014 will see organizational empowerment on a larger scale with companies using social media to gain insights into what is happening within the company in order to work closely with their employees and take fruitful decisions for the betterment of the company and employees both.

imageSearch in 2014 will completely go social. Yes we are talking about Google+, which has almost made itself harder to be ignored in the coming year. If you as a brand manager want an edge over competitors and also your brand to be on the top search result, you will have to start using Google+. Google+ continues to integrate innovation by adding Google hangouts followed by other innovations. Google will surely use SEO optimizers in other spaces as one of the element in their strategic growth.

Social media will be one of the most important investments for brands. Social media will be the place where potential consumers, prospects and communities would exist. Nowadays people first tend to search their favourite brand online and if you aren’t present in that space, you lose the brand presence and then the image. Therefore, coming year would prove social media to be a great relevant investment that meets the needs of all consumers across.

imageDo you agree with the above predictions for 2014 in the social media sphere? Well, we didn’t look into the magical crystal ball for all the above predictions for social media in 2014. But we would like if you share your plans for the coming year and how do you think it will shape up for the social media space. Do share your thoughts with us!

To know what and how will 2014 shape up for social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ etc. specifically and how Vine videos would evolve, stay tuned for another blog coming shortly!


2 Responses to “Future Predictions For Social Media in 2014! (Part 1)”

  1. Year 2014 is possibly going to be an important year in the online world. We are going to see and experience new but favorable changes in online marketing strategies. Social media will rule the online marketing game.

  2. Nikita Virdi says:

    Many thanks, Vandana Singhal for reviewing our article. Really appreciate your views on the same. Indeed 2014 will turn out be an incredible year for Social Media with online marketing strategies inviting some great changes.

    Do keep sharing your thoughts!

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